Chapter 12: Old Promises

Start from the beginning

"I am happy to hear that you have at least thought about it and those were fond memories. I am still your friend, Oriana. That is why, for today, I will not bring it up any longer. I want to make sure we get to spend time together without any stress." He replied to her.

"I worry quite a lot. As you know, my kingdom is in a delicate state, and I need to make sure that everything goes smoothly," but she would take a deep breath. He would place his hand upon her cheek as she looked at him and clutched her father's crown close to her chest.

"Yes, I know Barough is in a delicate state right now. Your army is small, and your economy is suffering along with your people. I am sure these are dark times for the land. However, I promise as your friend, I will do everything I can to help." he said.

"That is kind of you. Thank you, Tyir," she said softly. "It does mean a lot to me. Winter Haven has given so much to Barough..."

"You're welcome, Oriana. I hope they are able to serve you just as well as they have served my kingdom. I would gladly give you more, if you wished." He gave her a warm smile "Come now, we don't have to talk about such dark things. Let's focus on making a bright future," Tyir suggested.

"You're right, I don't need to get caught up in all of that right now," she told him.

Celsy found the two of them and bowed, "My Lady, My Lord, the meal has finally been prepared. So sorry to keep you waiting!"

Tyir let out a slow breath as they were once again interrupted. Celsy was right there, waiting for them. The prince was all smiles and offered his arm to Oriana before saying, "Come, let us enjoy the wonderful meal your skillful cooks have put together for us. I am excited to continue conversing with you." 

Following Celsy, they walked down the hall together, just taking it slowly. They had been about to head into the dining room when they spotted Killian and Donovan. The two men were at one another's throats, clearly arguing over something.

"The princess said I could eat all I wanted! So, I am coming into the dining room, old man! You have already cut my last meal short! If you do it again, I may actually kill you this time!" Donovan roared.

"You already ruined the first meal with that bottomless pit you call a stomach! This is supposed to be a private dinner for the princess and prince! You can have what's left when they are done, you dog! Why don't you go back to killing bats around the castle like you were earlier!?" Killian snapped back at the titan.

Oriana would again let go of Tyir's arm, as she came between the two arguing males. "Enough arguing for one day!" she said as she placed her hands on both of their chests and tried to push them away from each other. 

Donovan was a wall that was impossible to move. "I'd be happy if everyone sat at the table and ate with us," she said with a gentle smile. "Donovan included, of course," she added. It seemed like everyone was just glaring at Donovan.

Killian shook his head before saying, "But princess, please rethink this. We worked hard to make a nice dinner for you and the prince."

Though it seemed Oriana had made up her mind already, "I will not have someone murdered at my table over food!" she said, narrowing her eyes at Donovan. "I did tell him that he could have as much as he wanted. There's plenty and he works very hard. "

Celsy shook her head furiously, "No, my lady, you need time with Prince Tyir! Donovan can wait. Surely this is better." She glared at him too.

Oriana shook her head. "I've made up my mind. I want everyone to join us tonight, Donovan included. I don't want to repeat myself again." She was firm with this, mostly because she needed a break.

A Tale From Lanoria: The Princess of BaroughWhere stories live. Discover now