Chapter 4: Battle Mage

Start from the beginning

Killian only shook his head and growled angrily at the enormous mage. "Let's go."

Turning to the other contestants, Killian added, "Since this oaf has had nothing but luck and finished early, he gets to meet the Princess first. You will all get your chance. Until then, you're to complete this portion of the competition." Killian turned to one of his knights and ordered them to help finish.

Donovan smiled at Killian's' words and said, "I don't believe in such things. I make my own luck."

Killian just glared in return at Donovan before saying, "When the Princess sees how incompetent you are, I'm going to make you eat those words." 

"Make me, huh? By the way, what is your official position here?" Donovan asked snidely.

"I was the first knight of Barough before King Felix died. Now I have taken his place as General of Barough's Armies." Killian explained.

"A demotion by the princess?" Donovan teased.

"Shut up, you fool! You don't understand what you're talking about!" Killian shouted.

"If I'm wrong, why don't you explain it to me?" Donovan replied. "Since you love correcting people,"

Killian responded while gritting his teeth, "The King or Queen of Barough chooses the first knight. Or, in their absence, the heir chooses. Whoever is chosen will serve them through good and bad times. The knight devotes themselves fully to the throne until their death. I am too old to serve as the first knight for Princess Oriana."

"So, who is the princess's first knight?" Donovan asked.

"The Princess has yet to choose. It is her first task on the road to becoming queen."

As they walked into the castle, Donovan could see some mages standing in robes, watching over the competition. 

"So, you have other mages, huh? But no courtmage from what I hear?" Donovan asked Killian.

Looking up at him, Killian said, "Yes, they are all low-level acolytes, apprentices, and intermediates! Not even an adept mage. It has only been two months since our king died. So, we haven't had much time to build up on mages."

Donovan chuckled a bit and said, "Well, lucky for you, I am an archmage of battle magic."

Killian snorted. "Gloating about your talent already? I don't need a pissing contest right now. If all you're going to do is talk about how great you are, then just keep your mouth shut."

Donovan ignored the snippy attitude from Killian. "Alright, let's change the subject. From what I hear, Barough is very weak right now. Why hasn't one of the neighboring kingdoms tried to take it down yet?"

Killian rolled his eyes. "Twenty years ago, King Felix and the King of Florel joined the King of Dymoria in his quest to reunite the south. After a successful mission, they formed the Treaty of the Three Crowns. Creating a lasting partnership between Dymoria, Florel, and Barough is meant to last forever," he said.

"Oriana's parents were good friends with King Rylan Florel and Gerald Dymor, years before the treaty. Even after their deaths, Florel and Dymoria vowed to stay true to the alliance. As you know, the Dymorian Empire has the strongest armies in the land. Not to mention, King Florel's charisma has made him one of the most popular men among the nobles in Lanoria. No one would dare make a direct assault on Barough. It would mean fighting both kingdoms." Killian added.

"No wonder. Barough would have been toppled by now if it hadn't been for the treaty," Donovan commented.

Killian growled at the comment. "Watch your mouth! Barough is stronger than you give it credit for! This was the first settlement in all of Lanoria! We will not just fall to any invader! We have always and will always endure in the face of hardship."

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