Simp ~ Cole Caufield

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For Nhl2022 Sorry it took so long. Hope you Enjoy!

It was another summer day at the Hughes lake house. Except today it was actually quiet, everyone besides Cole and I had gone out on the boat. We opted to stay back for a quiet day with each other. Currently we were relaxing on the pier. I was curled up on Cole's chest as he slowly moved the rocking chair back and forth.

"I'm so comfy" I stated feeling the need to let Cole know just how much I loved sitting here like this.

"Mmm" He replied back. I lifted my head to see his eyes closed and his mouth parted a slight bit.

"Coley wake up" I tapped his cheek lightly and his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning sunshine" I giggled out as he pulled me back into his chest trying to get me to lay down again.

"Come on love just lay down I'm sleepy" He whined and I finally gave in getting comfortable again. Within a few minutes I dozed off with Cole's hand rubbing up and down my back.

"HEY LOVEBIRDS!" The shout scared me out of my sleep as I jumped up. The engine of the boat was the next thing I heard letting me know that everyone was back. Soon they had maneuvered into the spot against the pier and tied the boat up joining Cole and I. One of us hasn't woken up yet. Can you guess who?

"Y/n move off his lap were gonna dump some water on him" Jack whispered as he and Luke got closer with a big bucket of cold lake water. I slowly moved off Cole's lap and back far away from the chair completely not wanting to get any of the water on me.

"Ok on 3, 1..2..3!" Jack yelled the numbers which woke Cole up slightly but the cold water really did the trick. A girly scream came out of his mouth as he jumped out of the chair and spun himself around to see what just happened.

"Oh come on" Cole let out seeing Jack and Luke laughing their asses off behind the now soaked rocking chair.

"Babe you let them do this to me?" He now turned to me with a flabbergasted face.

"I mean if I didn't they probably would have done it to me too" I shrugged my shoulders and let out a few giggles.

"Your so lucky I don't come over there and throw you in baby"

"You wouldn't dare" I exaggerated the dare part and squinted my eyes to try and get the point across.

"Yeah cause he's a SIMP!" Luke yelled out making a light blush crawl onto Cole's face. The two boys quickly noticed the pink twinge and knew they had to chirp him for this.


"COLEY IS A SIMP" They yelled walking into the house like a bunch of maniacs. I grabbed a towel that was sitting in a plastic bin they keep on the pier and walked over to Cole wrapping it around his shoulders. I leaned into his back and he grabbed my hands pulling them around his waist.

"You are kinda a simp" I whispered before kissing before leaning up to kiss his neck.

"Oh for fucksake"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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