Bedtime ~ Jack Hughes

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For Favi5239. I hope you enjoy!

"AHHHHHH" y/d/n yells as Jack chases her around our house. We just finished dinner and now just like every night we have to wear out our 3 year old so she gets to bed on time.

"I'm gonna get you bug!" Jack yells after her almost slipping around the tight corner of the hallway while trying to grab her. Usually we wear her out by going outside and jumping on the trampoline or playing on her swing set, but I guess they have decided to play tag tonight. Not that I care, it's given me a chance to put leftovers away and sort've clean the kitchen up.

"Mommy help!" y/d/n now comes running into the kitchen and hides behind my leg, a second later Jack runs through the door just about tackling us to the ground.

"Mommy is home base, you can't get me" She sticks her tongue out emphasizing her statement.

"Oh yeah well then I'm on home base too" Jack walks over and wraps his arms around my neck sticking his tongue out as well.

"Hey why did I get dragged into this" I exclaim

"Because your mommy" Good reasoning I guess y/d/n. We spend the next hour running around the house before we're all out of breath and collapsing on the couch. I think we were very successful at tiring her out because she is snuggled in between us trying to keep her eyes open.

"Are you ready for bed bug?" Jack asks and a tired yes falls from y/d/n lips.

"But only if you tuck me in dada" She switches between almost every night who she wants to put to bed. Tonight it happens to be Jack. He picks her up holding her close to his body and they disappear towards her room. I close my eyes, still trying to recover from the hour-long run and soon drift into a light sleep.

The sound of screaming wakes me up in a fright and I am immediately on edge. It happens again and I realize a horror movie started playing on the tv and nothing is actually wrong. My nerves calm and I switch the tv off making my way towards Jack and I's bedroom. The door swings open and he's nowhere to be found though. The only other place he could be is y/d/n's room. Standing in her doorway I can see them both cuddled up in her small toddler bed. Jack is hanging off the edge with his knees pulled into his chest.

But, he would do anything for his little girl, and if that meant being sore for the next week because he slept in a dora bed he would do it anyway.

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