Come On Get Up ~ Quinn Hughes

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"You almost ready baby?" I called from right outside the bathroom where Quinn was getting ready for his game.

"Yeah I just can't get my tie right" He replies, opening the door and stepping into my view. I can tell just by his face that he's frustrated and I try to hold a laugh in as he thrusts the tie towards me.

"Help me" A giggle comes from my mouth and Quinn fakes a pout on his face. I skillfully throw the tie around his neck and catch it on the other side quickly tying it.

"Ok you're all good" As I step back he plants a kiss on my lips and snakes his hand down my back pulling me closer.

"You're coming to the game right?" Quinn asks as he pulls away still holding me to him. I nod against his chest and he lets me go, but not without taking my hand and dragging me to the front door with him.

"I love you, be safe"

"I love you more" The door shuts behind him and I make my way to the bedroom to start getting ready. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The energy in the stadium is electric as it always is, we're currently in the 3rd period and the score is 5-0. I can tell from here that all the guys are buzzing with excitement.

"Oh shit" Holly says beside me and I follow her gaze down to the ice. I can't see much because of the big scuffle happening.

"What's going on?" I question and Holly gives me a look of pity and concern.

"You didn't see" I shake my head no

"Quinn got boarded really hard and immediately went down" I shoot up from my seat trying to see what's happening better. After standing I can see my baby lying on the ice but I haven't seen him move yet. The trainers and medical staff are rushing over to him and everything gets really quiet. Holly joins me rubbing up and down my arm trying to calm me down.

"Come on Quinn get up you have to get up" There's still no movement and I can't see him as he is surrounded by people.

"Come on let's go see what we can find out" I feel Holly take my hand but I can't move from my spot.

"Y/n" She calls again and I finally get a hold of myself enough to follow her. We're by the locker room in what feels like seconds and I still haven't calmed down. Someone I haven't seen before comes rushing out of the room and locks eyes with Holly and I.

"Oh good I was just sent to find you. Quinn is awake but is being sent to the hospital to get checked out further. If you follow me we can go right to him" I shake my head quickly and follow after.

"Hi love" Quinn speaks as I come around a corner finally able to see him. I don't waste any time getting to his side and grabbing his hand pulling it to my chest.

"I'm ok, promise" He tries to say but I can tell he's not, just speaking a couple words made him wince in pain.

"No you're not" He doesn't get to say anything else as the paramedics say it's time to go and load the stretcher into the back with me following. If he ever scares me like this again I'm gonna kill him.

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