Chapter Six: I wanna help too Kacchan!

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Katsuki and Izuku began making their way down the aisles, picking out all the necessary and essential groceries they needed. Katsuki was carrying the basket with Izuku by his side.
Izuku realised the basket was getting quite full, but Katsuki wasn't showing any form of struggle. Kacchan was so strong after all.

After a while of shopping, Katsuki decided what they had was enough for now so he began to make his way to check out. Izuku had felt very unhelpful as Katsuki was the one doing most of the shopping. He wanted to help out. And then he had remembered.

Izuku: "Kacchan! The cereal"

Katsuki: "Ahh shit, I knew I was forgetting something"

The store was busy enough and Katsuki had joined a line, he didn't want to leave it as there were so many people behind him already but he also didn't want to leave the cereal behind, he would never hear the end of it from Kirishima.

Katsuki: "Izuku, you think you could stay in line for me whilst I go grab the cereal?"

Izuku: "Uh.. okay Kacchan"

What is he thinking? Katsuki can't leave Izuku in line, the boy seemed opposed to the idea already, plus someone might cut infront and Izuku would let it happen.

Katsuki: "Actually never mind I've got a better idea, could you help me?"

Izuku's eyes lit up. He was so eager to help.

Katsuki: "Do you think you'd be able to get the cereal for me? It's the limited edition Crimison Riot one. You think you could do that for me and NOT get distracted by anything All Might related?"

Izuku paused for a moment which made Katsuki raise an eyebrow. But all in all the boy nodded and made his way to get the cereal. Without Izuku, a sense of loneliness came over Katsuki, or maybe it was fear due to the events of what happened earlier. Whatever it was he didn't like it. Katsuki caught himself counting the minutes until Izuku came back, he had only been gone for two.

"What's taking him so long? Has something happened? Did he get lost? What if someone took him?"

Katsuki's thoughts started spiralling again. He was next in line and Izuku still was not back. It really hadn't been that long plus the cereal aisle was quite a while away for someone if his size.

Cashier: "Next please.. excuse me? Young man are you ready to pay for your stuff?"

Katsuki: "Huh? Oh shit uhh yeah sorry"

The lady is scanning the items too quickly, thought Katsuki. She's not giving Izuku a chance to catch up. Just when Katsuki was considering leaving the queue to find Izuku, the small boy was making his way past all the grown adults, asking them very nicely to "excuse out my way please" with a big smile. He had reached Katsuki just in time.

Izuku: "Is this the one Kacchan!"

Katsuki: "Damn right it is, thank you Izuku"

Izuku was beaming. His cheeks practically bulged into the shape of a dumpling it was adorable. As Katsuki was bagging up the shopping items he noticed Izuku attempt to carry one of the shopping bags for himself.

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