Chapter 1: Breakfast

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Tommy clenches his fists as he takes in some deep breaths. Tommy drags his hand through his hair.

What a nightmare... he thought. But something about that was so weird... it seemed so real!

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Tommy wake up! Dad is letting you have breakfast with us today~" Tommy hears Wilbur's soothing voice through my door.

Nethertheless, that got him on his feet. Breakfast with them! I usually only eat in my room for protection reasons!

Tommy instantly yanks his blanket off his body. Tommy stands up in a flash, running to the door.

Tommy throws the door open. "Wilbur! I'm—"

Tommy gets interrupted by Wilbur's scowl. He looks up and down at Tommy, as if he was a fly on the wall.

Tommy paused, raising a brow. "Wilbur?"

Wilbur let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Tommy, you're not even dressed?"

Tommy froze for a second - almost flinching. He slowly looked down to his clothing to just see his bedwear. "I'm sorry, I was just so excited, I-"

"You were asleep, that was the problem! You're a royal, Tommy! Getting dressed is just the basics to formality! You're so irresponsible!" Wilbur yelled. This time, Tommy did flinch.

"I-I said sorry!" Tommy made the mistake in retorting in such a way; he even did it physically, throwing himself back a bit.

Tommy froze in shock to his own insolence. He slowly looked up to Wilbur to see him frowning even harder. His fists were clenched and everything.

Tommy tried to quickly correct himself, "I'm- I didn't mean to yell..." he looked anywhere but at Wilbur. Tommy knew he couldn't make any eye contact.

Wilbur grabs Tommy's wrist and drags him to his dresser. Tommy was confused at first, wondering what his brother was doing.

Wilbur then stopped and turned around to look at Tommy. Tommy looked away from Wilbur, avoiding all eye contact. It felt like a century before Tommy felt a sharp pain on his cheek. Wilbur just slapped him. Really hard.

"Come on. Let's get you ready. Because of your incompetence, dad has to now wait." Wilbur grumbles.

Tommy flinched to the harsh words. Wilbur always makes him feel guilty. Tommy was just excited to eat with his family and this is what he gets just for being excited! It's unfair!

"Here. Change into these. There's a jacket too, I know the cold still bothers you." Wilbur says, shoving the clothes into Tommy's arms.

Tommy looks at the clothes Wilbur had handed him. He wants me to dress like him again. Tommy sighs and heads to the bathroom.

Tommy takes off his pajamas and puts on his clothes. It was a baby blue outfit with a matching jacket and cape. Mainly because he still can't get normalized with the cold. Tommy brushes his teeth and heads back to the dresser to get his comb.

Wilbur was waiting there and even was smiling a bit. It was more creepy than normal though.

"Tommy! You look great! Now because I am such a great brother, I will do your hair." Tommy look at the ground.

He hated when Wilbur did his hair.

He makes it so Tommy has the same hairstyle as him in everything he does!

"I-I can do it by myself."

"Tommy I insist. Now come here." Tommy sighs and walks to Wilbur.

It wasn't like he had much of a choice anyways. Wilbur then combs and brushes out Tommy's perfect golden locks. The final product looked like a blonde Wilbur. Wilbur loved it though.

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