And with that I hung up, still smiling super hard.

"Uh, what was that?" Buster walked up behind me.

"DOYOUWANTTOMEETMYPARENTS!?" I swung around waving my phone.

"Woah what!?" He backed up at my outburst.

"Ack! Sorry! I'm so excited! My parents are paying for us to fly out and see them!" I slipped my phone in my pocket and grabbed Buster's hands. "You get to go and meet my family! Isn't that so exciting!?"

"Oh.. your family? That's very.. short notice heh.." He gulped with a worried smile.

"Mhm! What do you say?" I eagerly asked, hopping up and down in my spot.

"Uh, well, what about Porsha? I-I think she needs me to stay here with her." He let go of my hands and backed away.

"I'm 17, I think I can handle myself." Porsha added to the conversation that she had been listening in to.

"Y/n I don't.." buster fiddled with the buttons on his shirt, looking to the ground.

I emotions immediately dropped when I realized he was avoiding going on this trip with me.

"Porsha sweetie, can you do something while we talk?" I asked reaching over and rubbing Buster's arm.

"Gotcha." She nodded and closed her door.

I sat on the couch patting the spot next to me. "What's up?"

Buster sat down beside me, leaning back on the couch and looking straight ahead. "I'm nervous about this."

"About what? They aren't gonna bite." I chuckled, putting my hand on his back to rub it.

"Well I just.. I'm.. I'm not good enough for you as it is. Let alone your family."

As soon as I heard his words my smile was wiped away in an instant. "What? What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about y/n. You're like- like a prodigy! You can sing, dance, play piano, you have good looks, and I'm just.. the theater guy. Some famous pop star like Clay would be better for you, you seem to like him so much anyway." I tried to explain in a mumbling voice.

As he spoke my anger grew, but even more was sadness. Sadness that he thought these things and never told me. Sadness that I was too oblivious to pick them up.

I firmly grabbed each side of his arms and forced him to see me. "Buster. Look at me, now." I demand. "Never, ever, and I mean NEVER say anything like that again. First, you are 1000 times better then Clay. Second, Not a word you said about yourself was true. You're not some theater guy, you are Buster Moon. The greatest man I've ever met. You hear me? You're not below me or any of my family in any way. Got it?"

He was stuck staring at me with no response for a minute. "But-"

"Sh sh sh m m mmm! No buts. Capiche?" I interrupted him before he could speak.

"Ok fine, fine." He said pushing me off him. "It still won't calm down my nerves though. I mean, your family might not think the same way of me that you do. You know?"

Buster moon x Masc ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now