Chapter 1

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31st of October, 1981

A tabby cat perched on a wall at the start of this tale. The area around the eyes of the cat is marked. The cat appeared to be waiting for someone while gazing at a home that was inhabited by Muggles.

After some time, a man with long robes, a floor-length purple cloak, and strapped high-heeled boots materialized out of thin air. His long, crooked nose appeared to have been broken at least twice, and his blue eyes were lively, bright, and glittering behind his half-moon spectacles.

This man is Albus Dumbledore. He Took something out of his pocket. The object resembled a Muggle lighter. The street lights all went out when he raised and shook his hand.

When the cat on the wall noticed the man, it turned around and jumped up to him. She had a severe expression, but she also appeared to be quite anxious at the time.

"Are you sure, Albus? I'm going to assume the rumors are true." With a sad expression, the woman asked.

With a glint of his blue eyes, Dumbledore replied, "Indeed, they are true, Minerva, and to answer your first question, yes, I am certain about this; it is important."

"Albus, but these people will never understand him. You know they despise magic, and he will be abused." With a hint of rage in her voice, she said.

When Dumbledore was about to reply, a huge roar was heard, and a very enormous man on a very large motorcycle with what appeared to be a baby in tow suddenly appeared from the clouds.

When Dumbledore saw The Giant Man, he exclaimed "Hagrid, where did you get this motorcycle?"

The man gently got off the motorcycle and remarked "Borrowed it, sir. It was lent to me by young Sirius Black."

Then, he removed an object from the side car and gave it to Dumbledore "Little Harry has dozed off on the way here, Dumbledore sir. Here he is." Half-giant spoke.

Dumbledore murmured, "Thank you, Hagrid," and took the infant into his arms with care. His eyes were brighter than ever.

The twinkle, however, was short-lived since he soon heard a faint pop and turned to find a man standing there. The man approached him with contempt in his hazel eyes.

"What an incredible surprise, Ignotus, My Boy." Dumbledore spoke while gritting his teeth. He was aware that this individual would pose a serious challenge to his goals.

"Dumbledore, let's get to the point. What are you doing here with harry?" The angry man demanded.

"Young Harry will be left here with his aunt to ensure his safety until he is ready to come to Hogwarts." Although he spoke gently, his feelings were anything from calm.

"Likewise, Dumbledore, I am his uncle. So why do you think it's a good idea to leave my nephew who is magical with filthy Muggles?" Ignotus inquired while frowning.

Dumbledore remarked firmly, "He must stay here until his seventeenth birthday." However, everybody can hear the animosity in his voice.

"You won't advise me on what to do, Dumbledore. You have no voice in this matter because I'm Harry's uncle not you." Ignotus stated angrily.

"In a Muggle house, He will be entirely safe and protected." Softly, Dumbledore spoke.

"A magic home will provide him with even greater protection. At Potter Manor, he ought to be secure." Ignotus stepped back and lovingly held his nephew in his arms.

Ignotus said angrily but slowly as to not wake Harry "And you, more than anyone, can't change my mind."

Dumbledore tried many ways to convince Ignotus to leave Harry with his Muggle aunt, but he just ignored whatever he said, and after giving him one last hateful look he turned around and started walking.

Dumbledore made another attempt to stop Ignotus as he was leaving and trying to avoid his former headmaster. "Ignotus, My Boy, try to understand please."

In response to his attempt to stop him, Ignotus halted in his tracks and slowly turned around, grinning

"To you, Dumbledore, its Lord Potter" Ignotus spoke up, lifting his middle finger, and pointed at the Potter Lord Ring and with that he disapperated with his nephew.

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