"Hazel was very clear that even though Gemma is not the oldest girl, she was the one she wished to leave the hotel to as she showed the most interest in it throughout her life,"
Mr. Cartwright replied.

The attorney's words warmed my heart. Hazel had gifted me the thing that meant the most to her. The Reynard was mine because the oldest girl hadn't given a shit about Hazel or the hotel. The only reason Raven ever came to visit was because her parents saw it as an obligation. I was the one who took the time to get to know Hazel, helped her with ghost tours, spent weekends repainting the porches, and took afternoon tea with her when it seemed like no one else valued her presence. Hazel didn't care that Raven had her bachelor's degree in hospitality or managed a cookie-cutter chain hotel. She wanted someone to run the Reynard who loved it.

And that was not Raven. My cousin hated all things paranormal. Where I was intrigued by and open to the inexplicable, she was disgusted by it. I was the one who embraced it with Hazel. No one else in this entire world saw me like my great-aunt did. And I saw her too.

Mr. Cartwright held up a hand to silence everyone. "It is worth noting that the hotel will remain the property of the trust, as it has for over a hundred years. The person who it is handed down to will keep any profit made during the time it is under her care. If Gemma either does not want the hotel or is proven unfit to run it, Raven will take over, but there is a caveat."

"This should be rich. What outlandish stipulation did Hazel put in place for my daughter?" Kevin asked.

"Your aunt was not a foolish woman. She recognized that Raven has more experience in the industry. Therefore, Raven must put forth every effort to help Gemma learn to run the business. Christopher and Kevin, since you are the oldest surviving members of the Fox line, Hazel has given you authority to determine if Gemma is unfit to manage the hotel. You may check the physical state of the building and its finances at your discretion within the first year of her ownership. Once the first year has passed, the hotel and its assets will be fully assigned to Gemma in accordance with the terms of the trust. If you should choose to remove her, your reasoning must be based solely on her performance."

Trevor scoffed and said, "You might as well just give it to Raven now because Gemma isn't capable of tying her shoes, let alone running a business."

I glanced at my slip-on Vans, and anger and embarrassment heated my skin. "Shut up, Trevor."

"If we're done acting like children," Raven said, directing her attention only to me, "I'd like to understand what exactly is expected from me to fulfill our great-aunt's last wishes."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Why? You couldn't even stay in the rooms by yourself. Every summer you threw a fit about going to spend time with Aunt Hazel."

"You know I was traumatized in that hotel as a child. Whatever is there liked to pick on me. It was evil."

"I know, I know. Things pulled your hair while you slept, and shadows chased you down the hall during a ghost tour." I gave in to the eye roll. "Funny, but it sounds like even the spirits never wanted you there. I had no problem."

"Whether you like it or not, Gemma, this is what Hazel wanted. When you fail—and you will—I want to be prepared to take over."

Raven couldn't care less about Hazel's final wishes. She wanted to get her perfectly manicured claws into what was left of our family legacy and rip it apart from the inside out. By the time she was done with the Reynard, the property would house an upscale boutique hotel. The guests would feast on caviar and schedule afternoon pampering sessions. All signs of Hazel and the Fox women before her would vanish.

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