He walked over and took Nevaeh from me, he then examined her. He was quiet for about 5 minutes as he assessed what the problem was. " Sophia, Alpha, I think I know what the problem is, but we won't know for sure until we do some tests. Can you maybe bring her down to the pack hospital so that I can do the tests?" Dr. Smith asked. Without any hesitation we packed our things that we will need for both of them, Shyla still came along. She offered to take care of Nova while we stood with Nevaeh.

A few hours later and the test results came back. I guess being the alpha has it's perks, I know these tests usually take a few days because the doctors are always busy. I think Blake told him through mind link that they better hurry it up. When will he learn to be patient? 

" Alpha, Luna" Dr. Smith came into the room and bowed his head a little. What the hell? I am not part of the pack yet, why is he calling me Luna? 

" Nevaeh has reflux and she has cholic. I will recommend you change her formula, the formula she is on is working against her cholic and reflux. I am prescribing medicine you have to give her every time before a bottle. You will have to feed her 5 ml every 20 to 30 min and in those few minutes you will have to burp her and make sure the burp is out. She also has to sleep on an angle, otherwise her reflux can cause problems for her. You will have to get a breathing monitor for when she is asleep. This is just for precaution." 

Dr. Smith explained the rest of the things to us. He prescribed everything and sent us on our way. Who would've known? While we were there I asked Dr. Smith what could've caused this, and he told us that it could've been because of the stress and pain that I've been through during my pregnancy.

"Soph, this is my fault. Our baby girl wouldn't be hurting like this if I hadn't done this to you. I put you through pain, I caused this stress. I'm so sorry." Blake cried into my neck as he held me tight. " Blake, this isn't all on you, shit happens, I should've never left in the first place. Now stop this and be strong for our girl" I said kissing his cheek.

We took Nevaeh, who is finally asleep. Poor baby. We strapped her into her car seat and got into my car with the twins. Shyla sat in between them in the backseat. We already got Nevaeh's medicine from the pharmacy in the hospital.

On our way home I kept thinking about why we had such bad luck, everything was going wrong now. Was it because we were just unlucky? Or are we just cursed? Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away before Blake notices them.

As soon as we stopped at home I jumped out and took Nevaeh into the house and laid her down in the bassinet where the breathing monitor was. I switched it on and just sat on the sofa frozen. 


I walked into the house with Nova in my arms. I looked to the living room to see Sophia frozen on the sofa, Nevaeh was in her little bassinet with the monitor switched on. I laid Nova down in his bassinet.

"Soph, are you ok?" I asked her while walking closer to her. I softly touched her arm thinking it will snap her out of her daze. When she didn't move I just wrapped my arms around her and pulled her onto my lap. I placed both of her legs on both side of my legs so she was basically straddling me. 

I just sat there with her for a few minutes and she just started sobbing. My heart broke when I heard that sound escape her lips. I held her closer to me with my arms still wrapped around her. 

"Baby? You want to talk about it?" I asked in a soft tone. She pulled back and I saw her eyes were puffy and red. She nodded and just got up off of me and walked to the bathroom. It breaks me to see her like this. It seems to me the thing we have done the most recently was cry. Everything will get better with time, I'm sure of it.

" Alpha, is there anything I can help with?" Shyla asked from the arm chair across the room. I forgot she was still here. I looked over at the clock, it was nearly noon. " Shyla can you please go in there and check if she is ok. My parents will be here soon and I need to start with lunch. Please just make sure she is fine. And Shyla, call me Blake. You are family now." I told her. I know she wasn't really blood family but she is the closest thing to a sister that Sophia was going to get.

She nodded her head and disappeared into the bathroom where Soph was. I could hear mumbling coming from inside but I didn't want to eavesdrop on their conversation. I got up and pulled the bassinets into the kitchen as I started on lunch. Not a lot of people know this, but I have a passion for cooking. I even took a few classes. I am quite a professional now, if I do say so myself.


Shyla came into the bathroom a few minutes after I did. I was just splashing my face with cold water when she asked "Are you ok? I haven't seen you this upset since the anniversary of their  deaths..." she trailed of. It was just a sad day for me, I didn't want to show it, but just getting more bad news about Nevaeh really just pushed me over the edge. Today was the anniversary of my family's death. The day we were attacked by the rouges.

"Soph, do you want to talk about it?" she asked rubbing my back. I shook my head " No, it would just make me more sad and then I will not stop crying until tomorrow, you know this" I said my voice hoarse from all the crying.

"What is the time?" I asked." It's almost noon. Why?" Shyla answered. Shit, Blake's mom was going to be here soon and I was planning to make lunch, now I don't think I'll be done with everything in time.

"Shit! I need to get ready, start on supper. Blake's mom will be here soon" I started rushing out of the bathroom. As soon as my foot step out of the bathroom door the amazing smell of food hit my nose. I walked into the kitchen to see Blake with an apron around his waist and the twins in their bassinets. Blake was tossing the salad that he was making. Wow, Blake making food is so hot.

He looked up to see me standing in the door of the kitchen just staring at him with lust in my eyes. He smiled and quickly walked over to me, he pulled me in for a big hug," Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked with worry in his eyes.

I smiled at him and just said that I was ok. I kissed him with so much passion and love. This man right here is my everything. " Ok, babe, why don't you and Shyla go and get ready. I'll let you know when they are here." he gave me a quick kiss. 

"Woah, wait, they? Who is they?" I asked. As far as I know only his mom was coming. " Yes they baby. My parents will be here soon." he smiled.

Oh my god.


Hii guys sorry for the late update but at least its done.

Thnx again sooooo much for reading the story comment plz plz plz

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Love you all xoxox

Byee see laters


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