Gaea & Olympus

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There is a cue sorry

As I was carried to the med bay on the Argo II I heard Zeus saying he'd slap us to Camp Half-Blood. I could hear objects flying and myself being tossed into the hallway, I hit the ground with a thud and shot up. I ran to my cabin and put on a new shirt after looking down at my wound, I ran to the deck where I could hear plans being yelled over the winds. I shouted to them but my voice was ripped away from me, I took the steps three at a time until I made it on deck where I threw myself off the edge landing on the diving Frank Zhang's back as a dragon. My feet made contact with leathery skin and my legs slid till I was sitting behind Hazel, I tapped her on the shoulder with a smirk.

"Miss me," I shouted over the wind. She looked shell shocked and scared but a look of relief flashed in her golden eyes. "Ambrosia does wonders, I also got water all over me in the crash."

Soon we were on the ground and I had Riptide in my hand, I leaped off his back still ten feet in the air and landed on beefcake's head. "Hey buddy miss me," I said startling the Roman officer so much she dropped her spear, I stabbed through his skull and killed him for the third time. "Greeks! RALLY!" my voice carried to all front making everyone turn to the sheer authority emanating from my voice. All the Greeks nodded and let out a battle cry before charging into ranks by cabin, before leveling weapons using powers and charged. I smirked that was my camp, I could hear Reyna and Frank shouting orders. Soon I was wrapped in something, a metal claw, I looked up and saw Festus, storm- that was me, I could create hurricanes. Slowly I summoned one and used the moisture in the air to propel me up, I hit Leo on the head and put him down on the ground which we were hovering above, before telling Festus to go up. He roared and we shot up so fast the rain was left behind before catching up.

The wind whipped at my face, Festus whirred and I looked down and saw Jason and Piper flying after us on the wind, I nodded at Festus and he hit them down with his tail. They were caught by a Roman eagle and brought to safety, and there was Gaea. Thirty feet tall, Festus swooped and grabbed her shoulders in his huge metal claws, she tried to disintegrate but the rain of the hurricane I was brewing was so strong and large that it ravaged all of Camp leaving Gaea in mid-air. Like Ouranos she needed to be away from her source of power, I lifted her higher in the air and let out a cry of defiance so loud everyone on the ground including monsters looked up to see me and Gaea burst in a shower of light a power that blew the hurricane away and knocked me out. I woke to see Festus flying through the air squeaking and rattling, I told him to land and so we did, on Olympus. I felt a sharp stinging pain in my arm and saw the vial of Physicians cure sticking out. I yanked it out and hopped off Festus to see a girl, Calypso behind me. The astrolabe, Leo was using it to find Calypso again! Now everyone could have their happy ending, maybe. She was sleeping so I gently shook her shoulder, she looked up and her face broke into one of joy, she and I had become best friends after I blew up Mount St. Helens and free fell out of the eruption. She leaped off and tackle hugged me, I squeezed back just as tight and guided her up to the meeting hall of the gods, maybe they will know how long I've been gone. I was the storm, 'An oath to keep with a final breath', I vowed to stop Gaea on the Styx and I did, but I died. Thanks to the Physicians cure I was back and Leo has his girl, but maybe it had been to long, I could've been out for a century before Festus gave me the cure, before he found Calypso. No you can't think like that, I reminded myself. Your friends are here alive right now and you will get back to them. By the time I had my very sad train of thiught I was at the huge door of the main temple of the gods, I pushed them open effortlessly and strode in. 


"Miss me," I asked loudly. "Too bad, cuz I'm back!" The gods turned from their separate arguments in shock. My father leaped off his throne and sprinted forwards and wrapped me in a crushing hug. I gasped for air as he let go and held me at shoulder length studying me for injuries. Then he noticed the bloody pinprick from the Physicians cure. He looked at me with concern and I held up the vile I hadn't realized I was still holding. 

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