chapter three

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lili: mummy i wanted mason to stay! He my favourite person now *she giggles*

jess: and im not?

lili: not after you told him to leave mummy!

jess: well im sorry but i don't really know him? he's not one of uncle bens friends who ive met before!

lili: ok mummy i tired

jess: I can see! get some sleep, I'll keep coming to check on you!

lili: night night mama

jess: night night munchkin *you kiss her as you quietly shut the door and run downstairs to all the girls*

Lauren: your back! Let's get the partyyy starteddddd!!!!

there's over 100 people at the party, so you decide to lock lilis door upstairs just in case, but you check on her every hour.

everyone is now dancing and drinking loads and most of the boys are drunk by this point.

Sophia: good god they're all wasted *she laughs*

jess: oh dear! least we can control our drinks for now *you both laugh*

Sophia: so you got your eyes in anyone at the moment? *she winks*

jess: not waiting for the right person!

Sophia: I understand, but I did want to raise something with you in case you didn't already know!

jess: oh yeh what's that girl?

Sophia: welllllll *she giggles* you see that boy over there *she points to jude bellingham*

jess: yehhh what about him??

Sophia: well, he's been staring at you all night and hasn't had his eyes of you!!

jess: he looks like a baby to me! *you both laugh*

Sophia: but then....also mason mount has had his eyes on you *she smirks*

jess: Sophia you're like James Bond pt.2 at this rate *you both burst out laughing and carry on dancing with your drinks in your hands*

1 hour later you decide to go check up on lili when jude comes up to you.

jude: hey you're jess right?

jess: yes! jude?

jude: that's me! you alright?

jess: yeh I'm just going to check up on my little one upstairs!

jude: if you need any help let me know, and I'm so sorry to hear about your ex leaving you, Ben was saying he wouldn't have coped and you're doing so well!

jess: awh thank you jude! I really appreciate it *you smile*

jude: you look wonderful by the way!

jess: making me blush! thank you *you giggle*

jude: anytime, may i give you a hand with lilibet?

jess: if you must *you sarcastically speak*

jude: I must! *he winks*

you both laugh as you run upstairs.

In the distance mason sees you both flirting and going upstairs and he gets angry as not just 10 minutes ago he told jude that he's into you.

mason tries to ignore it but he can't keep it off his mind.

mason: I'm just popping to the loo boys!

the boys don't hear as the music is so loud and they're dancing and drinking.

jessica chilwell👑Where stories live. Discover now