chapter one

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it's a cold but sunny Septembers day, it's been announced for a few days now that the queens passed away, you decide to take your 4 year old lilibet to buckingham palace to lay some flowers in memory of the queen.

you had lilibet at 18, you weren't planning on her with your ex partner, but when you fell pregnant you decided to keep her and it was the best choice you'd ever made.

your ex partner left as he became very toxic and wasn't the right father figure for you child.

your family are very supportive and especially your brother, you're very close with him and he adores lilibet.

you arrive at Buckingham palace and lilibet runs to lay down her flowers

@jessicachilwell: took my lil lilibet down to Buckingham palace today🤍👑

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@jessicachilwell: took my lil lilibet down to Buckingham palace today🤍👑

comments: 456

benchilwell: cutie❤️
kennedyalexa: ahhh her and the queen have matching nicknames!!!
reply^ ive just realised that! how cute🥺🥺
laurenfryer: lilibet is gonna be the best little buddie to jude!!!
reply^ absolutely my girlll!!!!
alexchilwell: 💓💓💓
haileybieber: she's looking just like her mama!!!!
declanrice: she's grown since the last time i saw lils!
reply^ she's growing too fast now!🥺
masonmountfanpage: you and mason mount should get together! He would be the perfect dad🥺👀😻🥺
benchilwellfan: SO CUTE
chelseafc: the next number 21! 🙏🏼💙
reply^^ 👀💙
England: love the respect ! ❤️

lili: mummy look at all these things!

Jess: oooo!! do you wanna get a picture?

lili: hmmmm OKK

lili jumps and smiles for the camera as she carries on looking around intregued as to how much people respect the queen.

lili: mummy when was the queen born

Jess: 1926!

lili: I swear that is the Stone Age

Jess: no it isn't silly! she was 96 when she died!

lili: is nana that old?

Jess: nope! nana is 60

lili: that is old! She is in the dinasour times

Jess: LILI! never say that infront of her please *you laugh as you try to shut her up*

a couple next to you recognises you.

lady: ah hello! you are ben chilwells sister and you're a model too! must I say you're gorgeous! and your little one is adorable, didn't realise you was so old?

Jess: oh I'm not old! I'm 22 *you awkwardly say*

lady: 22? is this sarcasm

man: how old was you when you popped out the little one then?

Jess: I was 18!

lady: thank the lord I thought you were younger *she praises*

jess: oh um

man: well tell your brother that I'm thankful for him scoring the winner for West Ham! He saved us! Legend

lady: darling don't make this about football she probably does understand she's a woman!

jess: oh I'm a football fan too don't worry *you gasp*

lady: oh well not to worry, anyway enjoy your day!

jess: you too bye!

you wave as they walk off and you turn back to lilibet

lili: they were silly

jess: yes they were! anyway should we go get some food?

lili: yayyyyyyyy

lili jumps and holds your hand as you walk into the streets of london. It gets crowded so you carry her whilst finding a restaurant you'll both like.

lili: mummy can we go pizza express ? PRETTY PLEASEEE *she begs in a baby voice*

jess: of course baby girl, let's get a table.

you walk in and put her down as she runs around you bored waiting for someone to come over

waiter: hello how can I help you today?

jess: table for 2 please!

waiter: yep can I get your surname please!

jess: chilwell

waiter: awesome! let me get your menus and then follow me!

jess: thank youuu! LILI STOP RUNNING

lili: ugh

jess: cut the attitude you're 4, anyway hold Mummys hand let's follow the lady to our table!

waiter: enjoy!

jess: thank you! lili what do you say?

lili: thank you !!!!

you both order your food and you eat for an hour.

lili: that was delicious mummy

jess: it was!

your phone buzzes as you pick it up and click on the message.

girls groupchat

lauren fryer: hey girls, declans throwing a party with the football boys today, I need some company please let me know if you can come! I hope you're all free !!! It's at 6pm till the early hours!

kennedy alexa: james is going so might as well, the little one is at my mums anyway!

Lauren: yayyy!!!

sophia aemelia: kai told me he's going so ill come!!!

Lauren: WOOO ty !!!

sasha Rebecca: I'm coming!

5 other girls can come.....

jessica chilwell: hey girls, been in london all day, the little one has no where to stay tonight so im gonna have to pass sorry, enjoy it though girlies!!! Xxx

Lauren: the little one can sleep around ours!

jessica: you sure hun? X

Lauren: yes ofc! Can't wait to see you both, and let's all dress up!!!!! PARTYY TIME🥳🥳🥳

and so you and lilibet head home and get ready for tonight's party.

jessica chilwell👑Where stories live. Discover now