The Full Moon Monster

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 Floating listlessly over the bustling city was a figure in stark black, long white pin stripes down an elegant and refined suit. The form hung still in the air, arms and legs lie limply at its side and his head lay against his chest. The wind from the altitude breezing through his stark pure white hair, hair that had been bleached with the purity of his evil. He was hunting, not any game that walked on four legs or flew or swam, but what walked upright. The most dangerous game, it was his quarry and he was after the most dangerous of them all. One specimen that had elected herself to stand before the evils to protect the other defenseless sheep. It was something she was protecting that garnered his interest, a foolish hero protecting a child from the heavens. In order to lure out his quarry, he would need to set the bait. Raising his arm up and flaying his fingers apart from his palm he took one last look at the city below. A city that would soon be ash, and he would be all that was standing left. All this senseless destruction For the enjoyment of One man.

Izuku was fast asleep after a long day of training having taken its toll on his body. Toshinori had come over to babysit while Nana was on patrol. Izuku's rest was abruptly cut short as an explosion rocked the city, his entire room shook violently as if an earthquake had ravaged the area. Thankfully nothing came crashing down but the boy was wide awake now, he rushed out of bed and flew down the staircase and over to the window. Toshinori had already risen from his spot on the couch and was staring at the horizon in horror. The glass had been shattered from the force of whatever shook the house and they were unprepared for what they saw. Where once stood an entire city now was replaced with rubble, it was tens of kilometers away from his home with his mother but the city in the distance was gone in an instant. A ploom of black smoke rose above the horizon as the ground glowed in the amber red of an inferno. Then it happened, before he could react there was a figure in front of him. A white haired man, with glowing red lifeless eyes, he appeared as quickly as it took Izuku to blink. The young saiyan was startled by the appearance of this man but that didn't stop him from walking through the wall and the sofa in front of it as if they weren't there.

"The boy from the stars. I would have never guessed you'd look so human. A saiyan here on earth again after almost a hundred years." His voice was like ice, cold emotionless but expectant. "You are coming with me." Izuku didn't respond, instead he opted to use his fear against whoever this guy in his home is. The young saiyan lifts his hand upwards towards the face of the intruder before a viridian green ball of Ki forms in his palm. The light from the energy basking the walls around him in light. The saiyan stands his ground. "Your powers will not save you boy." The man threatened but his threat was answered with a ki ball to the chest.

All for One didn't expect the force of the blast that Izuku had fired at him, the beam nearly vaporized his midsection, it was only for a regenerative quirk that he was still in one piece. Had he not had stolen that one, that baseball sized blast from the saiyan would have split him in two. This was going to be tricky. And if things couldn't get any worse, the screaming sound of someone flying at high speeds was getting closer. As if the shell of an artillery battery was screaming right towards him, the arch villain is blindsided by Nana Shimura. All for One catches the mother of all haymakers to the jaw sending him flying back dozens of feet through the air. His head reeling from the force of the impact. Nana quickly flies back to Izuku covering his eyes from the full moon hovering in the night sky. As she tries to bring him away from the quirk thief, Toshinori launches himself in the direction of where All for One had been thrown.

"I have no interest in dueling a novice with my brother's power. It'd be wise for you to make yourself scarce. Boy." All for One warns but The young Toshinori clenches his fists in defiance. "So be it." All for One states coldly before opening his hand in the direction of Toshinori blasting him backwards with a wall of air.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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