An Odd Discovery. Quirkless yet Mutated.

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The monkey tail attached to his waist flicked side to side in annoyance as he waited in the office of his pediatrician. He always hated waiting and isn't the most patient of children. He wouldn't be so fussy about it if the nurse had thought to give him control over the television in the corner, which was currently off. When he tried to fly up to it and turn it on, his mother grabbed him by the tail, keeping him from flying to the television. Keeping himself preoccupied, seeing as he doesn't know how to read quite yet. Izuku goes about practicing what Master Roshi had taught him, creating a small ball of Ki between his hands. The small green orb of light flickering in and out of existence as Izuku tries to control the amount of energy he's putting into it.

"Izuku. You know what Roshi said, no Ki practice in a public place. You have too much power and too little control over it." Nana reminds him, causing Izuku to jump and the spark of energy to explode in a loud bang, similar to that of a firecracker. The shocked look on her face causes her to laugh as the smoke fissles out in his hands.

"S-sorry." He says sheepishly then perks his head up when he hears the door opening to the room. The balding man with welder's goggles and a bushy greying brown mustache enters the room with a clipboard under his arm. Behind him, a nurse hands him the X-rays that they had taken of Izuku before leaving the room. The portly fellow takes a seat at the rolling stool in the corner before scooting his way over to Izuku.

"Well, you are an interesting case young man." The doctor begins before raising the x-ray graphs to the light and then pinning them to the wall and turning on the display. "Normally, in people who develop quirks, the bones of the second joint in the pinky toe are fused together. However in your case, you seemingly have developed a quirk despite this. I suppose it makes sense seeing as you have a monkey tail, most primate or sapian beast quirk users have the joint. The strange thing is his weight, bone density and muscle mass."

"What do you mean?" Nana asks as Izuku flicks his tail back and forth waiting for an answer.

"Well, do you see how bright the bones are in the X-ray? The bones in his body are so dense that they're reflecting the xrays back at the camera we have, not allowing the rays to pass through it, similar to that with a block of wood or metal in front of an X-ray machine. Also, his weight may be an issue despite him looking quite fit for his age. Young Izuku here is 60kgs or 132lbs at 5 years old. The odd thing is he's completely healthy and his muscle mass takes up the majority of his body weight. I'm not quite sure what to classify his quirk as, or if it even is a quirk at all. Fascinating." The doctor surmises, rubbing his fingers along his mustache in thought. "Do you know what you can do with your quirk? It may help in creating a name for it."

"I can fly." Izuku says bluntly before starting to float off the bench he is seated on next to Nana.

"He may have gotten that from me since I am able to levitate and float with my quirk." Nana says as the doctor writes down the information.

"I can lift heavy stuff too." Izuku demonstrates this by grabbing the doctor's rolling chair and lifting him in the chair off the ground.

"I also have that ability with my quirk as well." The doctor jots this down before Izuku continues.

"I can move and pick up stuff with my tail, and I can do this!" The doctor raises an eyebrow as Izuku creates a small orb of light between his hands, getting it to the size of a grape before it explodes covering the doctor's and Izuku's face in soot from the blast.

"Interesting. Is there anything else that you are capable of?"

"Yeah. I turn into a giant monkey when there's a full moon." The doctor puts down the clipboard he's holding to look at Izuku with an arched eyebrow.

"Well that would explain the sightings of said giant ape near Kame Archipelago about a month ago. I'D recommend that you don't look at the full moon when there's a lot of people around." He jokes before pulling out a different paper to write on. "Seeing as you are the first person with this type of quirk we will let the two of you name it and add it to the quirk registry as a brand new occurrence." Izuku's face lights up upon hearing this as his mother is handed to form for his quirk.

"Thank you doctor, so Izuku I think I have a good name for it." Nana says before showing Izuku what she writes. "This kanji means Saiyan or Saiyajinn and the next word means body make up." The words she had written named his quirk "Saiyan Physiology."

Giving the doctor the form back, Izuku and Nana head back to the reception desk to pay go over the results of the appointment with the nurses so they can file him as a new patient of the hospital. However, unknown to the two of them the doctor that they had just spoken to isn't who he seems. Locking himself in his office, a single phone call is made on a one use phone before said device needs to be destroyed. The jailbroken device punches in a 19 digit code contacting his master before he waits for the receiver to be picked up. "Master. We've found the alien boy. He is the son of your nemesis, Shimura Nana." is all the doctor says into the phone before hanging up and breaking the device. Watching from his office he sees Nana and Izuku get on nimbus and fly off towards their home.

"That boy, he may prove the perfect tool to destroy this society. All we need is to remove Shimura Nana from the picture. Then the Master can warp him into the perfect tool for the destruction of this wretched system." Doctor Garaki laughs to himself watching out the window of his office. "That name. Saiyan, where have I heard that name before?" Speaking to no one in particular, the doctor walks to the computer at his desk before opening up a darknet information hub. Reading the information regarding the Saiyans an even wider grin grows on his face as an idea begins to manifest in his mind. It will take time but, perhaps they can make him an unwilling participant whether he wants to or not.


"So, he's quirkless by human definition but since he's a saiyan they think it's a mutation quirk?" Gran Torino questions as Izuku sits in the center of the room. "I still think you should have gone to Recovery Girl for the examination of his quirk. I know there is patient confidentiality but I'm not trusting non hero hospitals/medical facilities."

"Oh can it you old fart. You probably think the 7g Satellites cause quirklessness." Nana jokes but the older man just grumbles at her response. "Izuku weighs 60kgs and his bones are so dense it looks like if you were xraying wood with how bright the x-rays are."

"So the boy is fat. Wh-" Torino is cut off by Nana hitting him with a large paper fan as hard as she could.

"He's not fat. Just look at him. He's got more muscle than you you dusty old fart. Don't insult my son." Nana yells causing Izuku to grimace and sink slightly into the cloud to hide from her yelling. "You know what, I think it's high time I hang up the cape and retire. With how much Roshi said Goku used to eat, I'm going to need all the time I can get here with this one." Nana says pointing to Izuku.

"Aren't you forgetting, you know who?"

"Him, no. I'm still well aware and..." Nana walks closer to Gran Torino to whisper this last portion. "I'd rather not speak of him in front of Izuku. He might take it as a persona challenge to blow him up."

"He probably could do it too since he isn't human and would be immune to most of the quirks of that monster."

"Perhaps but I fear that day." Nana's demeanor changes from her pleasant attitude to a more stoic and stern expression. Izuku is visibly uncomfortable with this expression from his mother as he's never seen her this upset before.

"Who is this guy?" Izuku asks, causing both adults to turn to face the small boy.

"I... it's nothing Izuku. Don't worry about it." Nana says as she picks up the young boy. "How about some Katsudon hmm? That sound good?" The boy nods furiously being enticed by his favorite food before starting to float upwards and follow his mother to the kitchen to watch and learn how she makes Katsudon. 

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