The Parthenon

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Que when I tell you please- pic of Gaea too.

As Annabeth, Piper, and I split up in our Mist disguises to find where the Giants were performing the ceremony to wake Gaea. As I ran I felt a rough calloused hand grab my waist pinning my hands to my sides. I heard a gruff laugh as I was held in the air and turned to face my captor, Enceledous with his fiery armor and spear. He smiled sickly at me, the sight made me revolted and i nearly gagged at how purely disgusted I was,by his breath, him and his intentions. HE gripped me firmly with his rough hands his scaly legs shaking the ground where he stepped. Slowly but surely we made our way to the main area where I saw Pereboia holding Annabeth by her neck like a cat, that made me mad. No one treats my best friend that way, especially not that giant. The thought jarred a sour ripple of hate through my body, I screamed in defiance and a geyser shot from the ground a hundred feet away. With all my might I struggled and squirmed until the water started to bend my way. All of a sudden a voice impossibly deep echoed and shook the walls.  HE chanted ancient words, until Piper flew through the air and cut off his hand, holding a large meat cleaver I just noticed to busy figuring out what god they could oppose. The Fates, I realized would only oppose him, he was their opposite, defying prophecies not creating them. He was created by Gaea, just like all the other giants to oppose the gods in his case the fates, who were more powerful than the gods, how powerful he was I did not know. 


Piper ran off to the crowd and threw a knife to Enceledous's forehead, the knife hitting perfectly and in his shock dropped me and I landed in a perfect crouch. I ran forwards and swung my sword in an upwards arc at the giant king who just managed to block my strike with his spear shaft I vaguely saw Piper slash at Pereboia who was holding Annabeth. Pereboia raised her knife preparing to hit Annabeth but Piper screamed miss and Annabeth kicked her leg upwards and Pereboia dropped Annabeth and held her bloody hand, Annabeth however was also bleeding, the red liquid turned golden on the ground. A demigods blood watered the stones, just one more and Gaea would wake. I blocked a stab meant for my abdomen and ran up the shaft that was embedded in the floor leaped off the end of the spear and stabbed a still shocked Porphyrion's face. He screamed in agony as my sword sank to it's hilt straight between his eyebrows. I leaped off him and stabbed Polybotes who was nearby in the back of his head. I wasn't able to leap off in time because I went flying into a pillar and heard a sickening crunch. I slid to the ground and after a second shot up and ran through the ranks of monsters, this was easy compared to the army in Tartarus. I felt the wind behind me whistle and leaned backwards like I was doing the limbo right as a arrow whizzed inches above my nose, right where my head was. I whistled that was close, I turned and slashed the Dracanae that fired the arrow, doing a graceful turn I slashed down a Cyclops behind me. I smirked and carved a canyon of destruction and when I reached the end I turned and moved back towards the giants again hearing the screams of monsters only in the back of my mind. I snuck behind Porphyrion and slashed his knees while Jason in front of  him stabbed and hit a chink of his armor, he nodded at me and I turned and charged Polybotes. Possibly one of the stupidest things I've ever done. Well maybe except charging Tartarus, that was pretty dumb of me wasn't it?

Polybotes swung his huge Trident at my head I ducked and ran at his large dragon-like legs and stabbed his heel, and golden ichor flowed onto my blade and the ground I turned pulling Riptide out and slashed his knees. He screamed again and using his dipping trident I cut the shaft clean off. I charged straight at him and stabbed right where the end of his armor met his legs, the bade pierced cleanly through to the hilt. I let go and kicked the back of his knee my boot sinking into the open wound, ichor covered my boot and Polybotes dropped to one knee. I sprang upwards landing on one of the intricate wave designs on his armor I jumped straight upwards and felt Riptide appear in my pocked again. I uncapped it as I landed and stabbed right between his skull and neck. I leaped off and joined the defensive ring of demigods that were the crew of the Argo ll. I saw a bright light above me and saw the Twelve Olympians riding chariots from Mount Olympus to the Parthenon. I saw Nike fall from the cargo bay of the Argo ll and land on Zeus's chariot, as they reached the ground their chariots disappeared and they shrunk to human size surrounding the demigods, they gave a war cry and charged with us into battle, my father stabbed Polybotes who evaporated to dust. I ran to Ephialtes and Otis who were glad to fight me again. My father joined me, I slashed Otis's ankle and my father stabbed the open would turning him to dust. I turned to Ephialtes as he slammed the but of his spear into my chest. I flew back at least twenty feet, I got to my feet and charged again I saw my father and Ephialtes barely being able to block my father's strikes. I went around the back and stabbed his knee, he dropped to one and I vaulted off his foot the snakes trying to nip at mine. I landed on his back stabbing Riptide through his armor before pulling off a back flip sliding off his armor. Midair I was hit back with the tip of a spear. I hit the ground on my back all the giants and lesser monsters dealt with. I looked down and saw the bloody hole that was my left shoulder. Poseidon was already at my side and was shouting for Apollo I could dimly see him and the other gods sprinting to my side, the rest of the seven not far behind. Apollo knelt at my side hovering his hand over the hem of my shirt, I knew he needed to see the wound. I was wearing a sports bra so I nodded and he slipped it off, Artemis was also by my side tears gathering in her eyes, Poseidon and the seven at my feet sobbing. Artemis had tried to get me to join her hunters and I had considered I could tell she was worried and wanted me to be okay. She would be worried for any maiden, I knew that. Slowly black crept to the edges of my vision I weakly cried out in pain and passed out, seeing the blood leeching from my body turning golden on the ground. Two demigods blood watered the stones. 

I could hear voices talking worriedly and strong arms carrying my limp body to the ship. Then I was gone in a dreamless sleep not knowing what would happen next. 

Hope you like it! Love you all!

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