Sasuke and Naruto halloween heist part 4

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He tried again and again and had no luck. "How did this happen?!" He glared at Sasuke, who was recovering from his laughing fit and approaching the blond and his safe.

"Allow me" He said leaning down beside Naruto. Naruto just scoffed and pulled what he thought was his key out of the safe, moving back to allow Sasuke to work.

The Uchiha pulled the robe he was still wearing over his clothes so he could crouch down beside the safe. He showed everyone the key he held in his hands, his blond still glaring from behind him.

He then shoved the key in the slot, Sasuke couldn't stop himself from smirking in satisfaction when the key turned. He swung the door to the safe open, ready to grab the cummerbund and brag to everyone.

"As you all can see I was able to open the safe, and now it is..." He looked into the safe.

Naruto stifled a laugh from behind him. "EMPTY?!" Sasuke shouted, leaping up to his feet. Everyone else looked just as shocked as he.

Sasuke's former confidence quickly turned to panic. He looked at Naruto, who looked a little shocked, but also slightly amused. He stood up quickly.

" I put a tracker on the belt!" Neji said, looking at his phone. "It's on the move, and it's going fast" He looked at Hinata, who nodded. The two of them sprinted off quickly, following where they had pinned the tracker on the championship belt. "Wait for me!" Sakura ran after them.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi all exchanged glances before darting off after the three.

Sasuke and Kakashi found each other face to face right at the doors. Naruto was nowhere in sight. "He must've taken an alternate route". Sasuke couldn't help but worry Naruto didn't pick up what wasn't said between them. The thoughts quickly disappeared. It was Naru after all.

Kakashi scoffed and pushed the door open. "Good luck keeping up" He said, before darting out of the precinct. Sasuke didn't bother chasing after him. He had a very different plan. He wasn't too worried about the location of the championship cummerbund.

If all went as planned, he should be waiting in the evidence room right now. Sasuke quickly tried to tidy his hair slightly before darting off towards the evidence room.

He went slower than he probably should have. He went over what he wanted to say in his mind over and over again. However, nothing he could tell himself would calm his nerves.

It felt like his entire world was spinning. His knees were weak. He could hardly breathe. When he approached the evidence room, he had to take a second just holding onto the doorway for support before being able to take a step inside.

Sasuke couldn't focus properly. His clothes felt heavier than they should have. The weight of a small black box in his pocket and a million worries weighing him down.

He knew he couldn't escape forever. This was his plan. This is what had been his plan for months. Now that it was finally the moment he would never forgive himself for backing out now.

He shook these thoughts away and built up the courage to enter the evidence room. A familiar face was already standing there, waiting for him. Stunning blue eyes seemed to instantly pierce holes into his heart.

He pushed his bangs back, still admiring the man in front of him. Everything about Naruto was just so perfect. His posture, his clothing, his hair, his cute little whisker birthmarks.

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