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He looked left and right, frantically searching for the familiar red hair of his mother

He was really lost

He spun around, hoping he'll catch a glimpse of her


"Mom!" He shouted, tears blurring his vision.

He had let go of her hand when he caught a magic show across the street. He watched the magician do a card trick that seemed obvious for grown ups but for a six year old like him it was magical.

At first, he thought it was worth it

But now he was regretting letting go of his mother's hand and wandering off on his own.

"Mom!" He screamed again, wailing. He rubbed his eyes to stop the tears but more came falling down.

He stopped walking and crawled to a ball, bawling his eyes.

"Hey" came a voice.

He hesitantly looked up and saw a little boy with black hair and black eyes looking down at him. He seemed to be the same age as him. "What are you crying for?"

"I-I'm not crying!" He sniffed, wiping away his tears with the hem of his shirt.

"Sure you're not" the boy rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't!" He insisted, casting his eyes down.

The boy placed a hand on his chin and forced him to raise his head. He then took out a hanky from his pocket and started wiping the younger boy's face with it. "What's your name?"


"I'm Sasuke"

Sasuke watched the blonde boy wipe his eyes with his hanky, but more tears kept spilling out from his pretty blue eyes. It made Sasuke's heart clench.

"Are you lost?" He asked.

"I g-got s-separated fro-from my mommy" Naruto said between hiccups.

"Well crying won't do anything for you" Sasuke said. "If you wanna find your mommy you'll have to stop crying first. Your tears blur your vision so it'll make finding her harder if you can't see"

"Y-you're right" Naruto said trying to calm down. He kept wiping his eyes with the now damp hanky.

Sasuke waited a few minutes until the blonde calmed down.

Once he did, he looked at Sasuke again, this time getting a good look at him.

Sasuke was a cute little boy with spiky black hair and pale skin.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Uh huh" Naruto said nodding.

"Perfect. Now let's go find your mom" Sasuke grabbed Naruto's hand and pulled on him, but Naruto was hesitant. "Ummm....how?"

Sasuke pointed at his eyes and proudly said. "I have really great vision! I can read signs even from a mile a way!" He declared. "I'm sure I can spot your mom even if she's really far away from us! Just tell me what she looks like"

"She has long red hair, really pretty face, and wearing a green dress"  Naruto recalled.

Sasuke nodded before tugging on his hand. "Don't let go" he said before darting off to a random direction, dragging Naruto with him.

"Not so fast!" Naruto yells as he and the boy ran pass tall adults and avoided obstacles such as telephone booths, cats, dogs, light poles and such

Sasuke's eyes meanwhile travelled from person to person, looking out for a woman with red hair

Then in the distance he saw a frantic woman who matched Naruto's description. "Is that her?" He pointed a head

Naruto's eyes brightened. "Mommy!" He yelled.

"Miss!" Sasuke shouted.

The woman spun around and her eyes widened when she recognized her son. "Naruto!" She dropped to her knees and enveloped him in a bear hug. "Oh Naruto! I was so worried!"

"I was so scared mommy" Naruto buried his face in Kushina's chest, inhaling her perfume. "I was really scared! But Sasuke-" he pulled away and pointed at the spot where Sasuke was, only to see no one there.


Ten years has passed and Naruto still thinks about that incident from time to time.

He never did get a chance to thank that boy for helping him reunite with his mother.

Even now, whenever Naruto takes a wrong turn, he would hope Sasuke would appear Infront of him, looking at him with his curious black eyes. He wondered if he would hold his hand again like he did ten years ago

"Class, this is very sudden but we have a new student" their sensei said.

Naruto wasn't paying attention, he was looking out the window.

"Introduce yourself" their sensei said.

Naruto heard the girls giggling and whispering amongst themselves, and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Great, another pretty boy the girls would gawk at

"Sasuke Uchiha"

The blonde's eyes widened at the name. Could it be?

He didn't want to get his hopes up

He slowly faced the front of the classroom, and was met with familiar black eyes.

Those eyes seemed to speak to him

"Found you"

Uzumaki And Uchiha(SasuNaru one Shots)Where stories live. Discover now