Sasuke's type

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Naruto was panicking so much.

Here was a bleeding man in his arms and if he doesn't get help soon he will die of blood loss

"Hello?! 911! I need help! There's a man who needs a blood transfusion or something---He--He's loosing a lot of blood!" Naruto yelled.

He was just out on his morning walk minding his own business when he noticed a man get mugged at an alley. He ran to the man quickly when he saw the thief pull out a knife and stabbed the black haired man's stomach, and then took off with his wallet.

Naruto hated himself for not acting quickly. He should have made a move as soon as he saw the scene! He's a martial artist! He could have easily stopped the mugger and prevented the man from getting stabbed!

"What? Y-yeah I'm applying pressure on the wound...uhh...uhh"

He shook the man in his arms. "Hurry! Tell me what's your type!"

Sasuke weakly opened his eyes. He saw a gorgeous blonde young man with gorgeous blue eyes, his skin was a perfect tan and he had three whisker like scars on each of his cheeks. He was so beautiful...

Sasuke felt his heart skip a beat "T-tanned blonde man who's shorter than me, blue eyes that are bluer than the sky or the ocean" he coughed out. "And they have to have scars--or maybe birth marks--that resemble whiskers"

Naruto stared at the black haired man in confusion. "Are you referring to m--I meant YOUR BLOOD TYPE!"

Sasuke blinked before realization hits. He coughed again, and groaned.

"" He said before fainting.

"HEEEEEEEELP!!!!!" Naruto screamed

Luckily, the ambulance arrived right that second.

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