III. Meeting People

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"So, do you feel ready to meet the other people in the village yet?" Aphmau asked, tipping her head. She and Tommy were sitting outside in the swings while Zoey was reading for Levin and Malachi inside.

"I think I am," Tommy answered. He was a bit hesitant, but he felt safe in this place. Meeting the rest of the people there sounded interesting as well. He really wanted to know what kind of people he would be surrounded by.

"We could go for a walk around the village. Everyone is really nice, I promise you." Aphmau's smile was warm. It always made Tommy's heart melt. He had never realised how much he actually needed real love from the people around him.

"Will you give me a tour as well?" Tommy inquired, curiously glancing towards the village before them.

He had to admit that it looked really beautiful. There were walls around it, but it didn't feel as suffocating as L'manberg. Here the walls seemed to bring safety. All the buildings were really nice as well and so was the landscape. It looked nothing like the Dream Smp or any other place he had visited. No obsidian highways that went on for an eternity. No flags raised that he'd have to swear his life to. No suffocating walls around him. He felt safe for the first time since his brother had been taken away from him.

"Yeah! There's a lot to see here! But the best place is the plaza, that's where Lady Irene's statue remains," Aphmau hummed, smile widening at the mention of the statue.

Tommy tilted his head, "Who is Lady Irene?" he asked, confused. The way Aphmau had said the name made her sound important.

"Lady Irene is the Goddess of this region. She was one of the Divine Warriors and means a lot to many," Aphmau explained proudly.


     "Look, Tommy, you have to understand that XD is our God. Get down on your knees and pray for him, maybe then he'll let you live," Dream told, grabbing Tommy's hair and slamming his face against the ground on the altar of Church Prime.

"I'm praying, Dream," Tommy answered, crossing his hands, trying not to wince at the pain Dream was causing by holding onto his hair.

"Pray better, otherwise he won't be pleased with you. You'll be punished if you fail him. He's your God, Tommy! Respect him!" Dream was angry, Tommy realised.

"XD! Please forgive me for all my sins! Please forgive me! I promise I will be good!" Tommy cried out, hoping the God would hear him, and listen to him.

"You're such a disappointment! L'manberg is the worst of your mistakes and XD sure as hell will never forgive you for that!" Dream snapped, raising Tommy's head so their eyes could meet. The mask he usually wore was off as there was no one else around the two of them, just XD watching and judging them from above.

"Why did you leave your religion outside the walls, Tommy?" Dream demanded an answer. The tone was blaming, it made Tommy feel guilty.

"Wilbur doesn't want anything to stain L'manberg..." Tommy whispered. "He doesn't want a God.. He says that we have to be free from all higher powers.. He doesn't want XD there.." he tried to explain, but knew that Dream wouldn't care.

"Such a disrespectful little child you are," Dream growled. He raised his palm and slapped Tommy on his cheek. "Respect your God like the good worshipper you are!"

And Tommy did.


    Tommy tried to shake the unpleasant memory away. He didn't want to remember it.

"I've never heard of her before," he said to Aphmau. She couldn't help but notice how his voice shook.

"Does the idea of a Goddess make you uncomfortable?" she asked, frowning. "You don't have to hear about her if you–"

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