I. A New Beginning

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Logstedshire was quiet. The only sounds around were the waves of the ocean, rustling of the leaves and cracking of the campfire in front of Tommy. In the distance he could hear the wailing Nether Portal and some animals. The night was dark and clouds covered the moon. The only light was coming from the campfire and the few torches.

It was cold and Tommy was freezing. The campfire provided warmth, but it wasn't enough as the flame was small and slowly dying, just like he was too. He was slowly dying as well.

He hated being exiled. He pretended not to know why Dream had done it, but deep inside he knew that his existence and knowledge was a threat to Dream. He knew too much – more than anyone else on the server – and therefore Dream couldn't risk having him around the others where he could reveal the truth.

       Then, speaking of the devil, Dream appeared through the portal. Tommy gritted his teeth and looked away.

"Don't you want to greet your dear friend?" Dream asked, tilting his masked head. Tommy didn't look at him.

"You're not my friend," he wanted to say, but didn't.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Dream stopped in front of him. "It's rude to ignore your friends, don't you know?"

Tommy didn't say a word. He was already having a bad time and didn't want Dream to make it worse.

"Tommy," Dream's tone was warning. He clipped the mask's straps open and moved it out of the way to stare at Tommy with his emerald green eyes.

Tommy refused to look at him. He didn't want to meet those eyes. He knew that anyone else would have been absolutely freaked out seeing Dream remove his mask, but he wasn't. He had never told anyone on the server, but he was the only one who was actually familiar with Dream's face.

"I'm your friend. We've seen a lot together, c'mon, you can trust me!" Dream forced Tommy's head up with his hand.

Tommy pulled his head away. His behaviour was starting to really annoy Dream. The latter picked up his mask and put it back on. "Fine, you give me no other options."

Then, from his inventory he pulled a familiar object. Tommy's blood ran cold. Dream chuckled, running his finger over the Wither skeleton skull. He knew exactly what memories he had awakened in Tommy, and he knew that it was from time far before L'manberg.

"I'll have to go, but I'll leave you some company~!" he taunted while placing the soul sand and skulls on place. "See you!" he waved as the monster began awakening.


       Tommy was frozen, the memories playing in his head, stopping him from acting. The Wither was staring at him with burning eyes. Then it attacked, and Tommy ran. He couldn't fight back, he was too scared. Scared because of the memories.

He tripped on something and fell face-first on the ground. He raised his hands to shield his face from the skulls that flew to his direction.

Suddenly the Wither let out a wail and the attacks stopped. Tommy opened his eyes to see a woman with long raven hair in front of him.

She turned around with worry in her caramel eyes. Tommy's breath hitched. He didn't remember when someone had last looked at him with genuine worry in their eyes. Then why did this stranger look at him like that?

"Are you alright?" she asked, offering her hand towards him. He took it and let her help him up.

"Yeah.." he mumbled.

She frowned. "What are you doing here all alone?" she asked, looking around.

"Oh.." Tommy seemed bothered. "I was exiled from the rest of the server.." he answered. Her eyes widened in horror.

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