Dazai has a girlfriend?!?

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The ADA after Dazai left.

"What the actual fuck." Whispered Kunikida in awe of what had just happened. Nobody else knew what to say.
Except for Yosano of course who had just walked in on this.

"What did I miss? Why is everyone being so weird?" Questioned Yosano with an odd look on her face.

Atsushi was the first to speak. "I think it was Dazais girlfriend." Said the boy with his eyebrows drawn.

Yosanos' face relaxed in understanding."I already knew that. He said that he had a date, but why is it so weird he has a girlfriend?" Kunikida looks as though she had just punched his mother.

"What do you mean? That lazy bandage-wasting—-it's not only that he managed to date her. She's Nakahara Chuuya, the port mafias gravity manipulators, Mom!" Yelled Kunikida

Yosano flinched at the mention of the port mafia. Dazai had finally convinced her that it was okay to tell the armed detective's agency about her relationship with Kouyou, but now she was back to square one. She decided to play it cool though.

"Why is that a problem?" She asked calmly. Kunikida and Atsushi raised their eyebrows in unison. "She's over 10,000 years old," they said at the same time. Her heart rate slows back down again in relief.

'So her being his mom isn't the problem? It's the age gap? So maybe they won't care about Kouyou and me?' Thought Yosano.

She realized that she still hadn't replied so she said the first thing to come to mind. "That's gross!" She basically yelled.

The ADA looked taken aback by her sudden outburst." I mean, I know he's not a minor, it's just a little weird don't you think?" She asked quietly.

Kunikida nodded." I'm just surprised he managed to get someone to go out with him." He said.

Kenji's next statement quickly took the room by suprise. " I thought he was gay, you city folk sure are confusing." Kunikidas's jaw dropped, along with Naomi, tanizaki, Yosano, Atsushi, and Kyoka. Of course, Ranpo just giggled Knowing all too well what Kenji said was right.

"Why would you think he was gay?" asks Atsushi, the poster boy homosexual kid. Not that anyone told Atsushi they know, since he was trying so hard to hide it. But it's kind of hard to not notice that he checked Tanizaki out during the bombing incident. Which should've been concerning since as far as he had known, he was a bomber.

Kenji shrugs. "I just had a feeling, he's kind of flamboyant?" He said in an extremely cheery voice. "But I guess not if he had a girlfriend, I can't believe she's related to Chuuya! He's so cool! His hat stayed on while he was upside down." He practically exploded with how cool Chuuya apparently was.

After hearing how Kenji felt about Chuuya, Kyoka had a smile on her face. " I think he's cool too." Agreed with Kyoka. The two young kids share a look. Kunikida was going to give them a speech on how he's in the mafia and a bad person but after seeing Kyoka smile so brightly twice in the same day, he decided to let her have the win.

Kyoka ended up telling a bunch of stories from her time in the mafia, but not the bad ones, the good ones. She told them about how Chuuya and Kouyou took her to a theme park, how Kouyou and her had a girl's day, and a bunch of things Chuuya had done for her to make her feel more at home in the mafia. Kyoka got more and more excited with every story she told and at the end all she could say was." I want a nap." Which caused the room to fill with laughter. She didn't wait for anyone to talk before she walked over to the couch and lied down. Once she was asleep Naomi put a blanket over her.

The group of detectives decided to go for a walk to go get crepes while Kyoka was sleeping, so that she could rest. Yosano decided to stay behind so that she wasn't confused when she woke up. They were all having fun walking down the road to get their crepes, laughing and smiling. So when they saw Dazai laughing and holding hands with Ren while walking towards them, none of them knew what facial expression to make.

Dazai and Ren noticed the group fairly soon after Kunikida's realization, so the two immortals walked up to the group.
"Hey, kunikida." Said Dazai playfully.

Kunikida immediately froze and didn't know what to say to the immortal woman Infront of him. Thankfully ren took the agency's silence as a goodbye.

"It was lovely seeing you osamu, I'll see you for brunch on Saturday." She said before kissing his cheek and leaving. Once she was out of earshot Dazai immediately started talking about the waitress and how he asked her to commit double suicide with him but she said no.

Atsushi was confused by this. Isn't that his girlfriend? Why is he asking other girls to commit double suicide? Thought Atsushi to himself.

"Hey, Dazai, who was that woman?"Questioned Atsushi, who decided if no one else was gonna ask, he should.

Dazai made a confused face." My mother of course." Before skipping off because he saw another candidate for a double suicide.

His statement once again left the agency in confused silence. Kunikida started mumbling to himself.

Ranpo decided to explain a bit instead of leaving everyone in the dark, and totally not because he wanted the praise. "Like Kyoka said, she's 10100 years old. It's not that unreasonable for her to have been a parent-like figure to Dazai. Plus like I said earlier, they've known each other for a couple of years due to odasaku. They've had lots of time to build a parent-son-like relationship." He said like it was simple knowledge.

Kenji didn't quite get it though. "Who is odasaku?" He inquired.

Ranpo quickly realized his mistake and corrected it." The assassin who doesn't kill."

Kunikida noticed that It sounded like Ranpo knew the man too. "Ranpo, did you know the assassin who doesn't kill too? You sound content talking about him."

Ranpo just smiled. "I guess you guys can do a bit of detective work, then again I did help you. Odasaku is actually how I met Dazai. Not that the back story's important."

Ranpo walked away right after that...just to come back a minute later because he can't take the train alone. The agency went and got a crepe for Kyoka then headed back.

The sight they were met with in the office was wholesome. Kyokas head was resting on yosanas lap as she played with her hair. Yosano had a visible smile on her face that the detectives found to be quite contagious.

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