🌦️ChiPhil🌦️ Meeting you again

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-Fluffy Fluff fluff Fluffy Fluff✨


China, the most powerful Asian country, belonged to the 3 most richest and biggest countries in the world, as a being of power he drowned himself with work and never left his office

Some see him as a glorified figure while some... Let's just say that some don't think if him as good as the others

He only wanted his country to grow and be sufficient for his people to live on and prosper, he only wanted to create a name for himself and his people...

He made a lot mistakes
So much that he can't forgive himself, he knows that all of his doings were unreasonable but he only did it for his people, he only wanted THEM to be proud of him

He was now alone... As always under the shade of a tree in his personal garden next to the building where his office is in

He let out a deep sigh of tiredness a lay his back on the trunk of the tree and slowly drift himself to sleep

"it's a nice day isn't it?"

A voice said,
China jolted from his supposed peaceful slumber and saw HIM

It's him... His old friend
The only person that was true to him when he was younger
He missed him, he cares about him but...
The feelings aren't mutual

"You shouldn't be laying around here y'know? It's far away from people and you could easily get stabbed here without anyone noticing."

Philippines said with a smile, but it didn't seem to be a caring one

China wished that Phil would be the same person that he was in the past... The same bubbly and warm friend he used to adore and the same Philippines that cared for him when he needed comfort

"What are you still doing there? You need help?"

Phil let put his hand for China to reach

China stared at the hand for a moment... It was the same as before
"Hey... Do you need help? Are you okay?"
A child with a white triangle on his right cheek and 3 stars and a sun with heterochromatic eyes with his horizontal colors of blue at the top and red at the bottom held out his hand towards the crying child with 5 stars in front of him

The crying child hold on and lifted himself up

"Don't worry, you'll be alright, my mom has the best remedies to cure your bruise!"
The child gently caressed the crying child's face...

"Don't cry, everything will be okay alright?"
The child smiled brightly looking at the other child's eyes
His hand was warm and comforting that the crying child felt peace and happiness without him realizing he wes already smiling softly from the other's touch

It was a pleasant memory
"H-hey... Are you... really okay?"

Philip Asked concerned

China felt warm liquid running down his face, he was crying from the memory of his past with Philip, he remembered the good memories that he kept in his heart, it was painful for him to remember the strong bond they used to have before everything went down
He was crying non stop,
It pains him to see his beloved to not remember him... Why didn't philip remember him?

China was flooded with his thoughts that he didn't realize that he wasn't alone until

He felt a warm embrace surrounding him with warmth and comfort...
The same feeling that he felt in the past

*Buddum* *Buddum*
He can hear his heartbeat

*Buddum* *Buddum*
He's warm and cozy...

China suddenly kissed Philip passionately

Philip was taken aback,
he didn't thought it would go into that so fast but he didn't push back since he felt like China needed some physical affection and so he kissed back

They then separate from the kiss, they both pant as they look at each other with firey passion burning into their eyes

China then hugged Philip close

"Please... Don't leave me. Don't leave my side again, I don't wanna see you into someone else's arms again... Please... Stay with me Ma-yi."

China begged, his voice and his body was shaking in pure desperateness to not let philip go

Philip was very much confused...
He didn't know what China was talking about, did he forgotten something that he shouldn't have?

But nonetheless, he hugged back

"Don't worry, I won't."

Philip said in the most sincere way possible

China was already satisfied from his answer

"Thank you, Ma-yi."
And so China finally fell asleep in Philip's arms


Hello y'all!
Welcome to my one shots book
If it's not much of a waste of time, would you like to give me some ships that I can write a one shot on?

Fluff, Smut, Lemon, etc.
You can give me suggestions in the comment section but do be warned this is the first one shot I've ever made so I apologize if the story sucks.
Give me descriptions of how I'll write it, what gender and what kind of trope you'd like, but I will NOT be writing incest thank you and have a nice day!

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