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[W A R N I N G]

- This is all fiction and it does not apply to anything that happened in real life.


-a lil fluff ig???

- Complimentary kink~ (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~


It's another day between the two feudal countries; Taiwan and China

Another day to flare up the flames of their hate with one another causing the world to have been shaken from the possibly of another war to start.

And the people's thoughts were all the same;

"It's always the Americans who starts the fight."

The people have lost hope for the supposed to be
"The Land of Freedom", in fact, everyone has doubted that America was ever a great country at all

But of course everyone has their own knowledge about history

There are just some who are only blinded by the History they want to believe, to the point of thinking one race is higher and above all the others

The ongoing feudary of both China and Taiwan started because of one of America's trusted politician had given access to Taiwan's joint meeting in forming a truce, peace and alliance for both countries to be in good terms

That made China enraged,
He felt as if he's being mocked including his government were unpleased from the Republic of Taiwan's move


Isn't it... Quite familiar?

The Russian and Ukraine war,
It all started just because the Ukraine wanted to have joined N.A.T.O and gain alliance to other countries apart of the said association

Ended up in a war between the Russian government that felt ridiculed and the fear of America gaining access to it's borders that gave them no choice but to invade Ukraine as they believed it was all for the goodness of their people

History... Could never repeat itself,
but it has it's similarities that makes their situation comply with each other.

How peculiar~
We're all living in an endless cycle of hate that we are drowning at our own mistakes where everyone can see yet no one care for it to be changed or maybe too afraid to change and chose to pretend instead

Reality, such a painful world to be

*Ting* *Ting* *Ting* *Ting*

Taiwan groaned from the annoying sound repeating over and over

His alarm had been going on and off for God knows how long, he took his phone and turned off the alarm and slowly sat up from his office table that he fell asleep while finishing his documents
refusing the urge to go back to sleep

He had a very...
Vivid dream about the ongoing fight he has against China and to be honest... He isn't much sad about the fact that his twin brother is his enemy
In fact, he never loved his brother

They never had any good memories with each other nor had any great bond as well, they were always being compared with each other where China gets all the compliments and praises even from when they were little, China had always been the "Perfect Emperor" figure

Everyone flocks around him
Everyone adores him
Everyone wants to be with him

He Hated it

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