☁️RusPhil_|ෆSweet Praiseෆ|☁️

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∆Kinda lazy TvT
∆Softy Tall× Easily flustered Smol kind of vibe lmao
Philip sighed in relief as he was done with his work stretching his back from sitting on his chair for too long

"hah... I'm finally done, I'm so tired..."

He said in a tired yet satisfied smile

"Oh wow, you're already done huh?"

Philip was surprised to hear a voice and quickly tilt his head to see

"Hello Russia."
Philip greeted that tall russian entering his office

"I haven't even finished mine... You're really Amazing Philip."

Russia said in the most soothing voice that somehow always tingled Philip's ears that he couldn't help but blush from the compliment

Philip tried to maintain his posture but fail to maintain eye contact as he was very embarrassed at that moment

"Thank you but this is just- a bare minimum and all it's not tha-"

" 'Bare minimum' ? Philip, you're looking down on yourself too much, you deserve the praise."

Russia said as he tilt Philip's head to look directly at him which only made Philip blush more

Russia leans down to Philip's height while still holding his chin to look at him, locking eye contact as he caress his thumb on Philip's small lips

"You've always worked so hard, you deserve a treat for all that work right?"

The slav started to rummage something in his pocket with the help of his other hand, philip doesn't know what it is but he heard some kind of plastic?

The filipino gasp as he saw what it was

"Ta-da! It's a strawberry candy!"

Russia tear the wrapped candy with his teeth and placed the candy inside Philip's mouth

"Taste good doesn't it?"

Philip could only nod as he can't muster the words to say from the total heat of his cheeks, by now, he knows fully well his cheeks are burning bright red at that moment

Russia could only chuckle from the shorter country's cuteness

"That's a good boy♡"

He said as he kiss Philip's forehead and left

Philip only blushed even more from what happened and could only try to stop himself from screaming

By now he looks like a tomato ready to explode

He playfully eats the strawberry candy with glee as he savor the sweet taste, yet Philip would agree that Russias praises were sweeter

Praising kink go BRRRRR XD
[A.N: .... I wanna be called a good boy too—]

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