Chapter 5: The Exorcist

Start from the beginning

"We drive you from us,
whoever you may be,
unclean spirits,
all satanic powers,
all infernal invaders,
all wicked legions,
assemblies and sects—" The lightbulbs exploded and splintered into tiny worthless junk and the whole place was plunged into pitch blackness.

They stopped. The room suddenly went cold.

They thought they heard something rustling about the dark. It was quiet. Dr. Park saw something moving, not just one, there are dozen of them darting like hanging monkeys, although he couldn't tell utterly what are they. But there is surely something moving in there. It's nothing of hallucinations and mind-made-image-trick-to-vision, he's certain of it. His heart told him so.

There was an odious staunch smell of dampness and mustiness in the air. Taehyung scrunched up his nose at the stink smell of urine and rotten fish invading his nostrils. They couldn't see anything at all nor they can tell the difference between open eyes and the opaqueness they see when it was clipped together. It seems just wandering off the muddied cave and expecting to bump into something grotesque, or even worse, a nightmare.

Dr. Park remembered the flashlight inside his pocket. He took it and clicked the switch and came immediately the faintest light broke through the darkness. The battery is almost drained and he could scarcely make out anything in the dim light. The voices are gone. It was so silent that Dr. Park imagined that he could hear the occasional tinkle of falling glass. The sounds were steady and relentless, ting-ting-ting on the hard concrete floor.

He thought he heard a soft sob behind his head. For a second he thought it was a rat—but no, it's definitely not a sound a rat makes and absolutely not a gnat either. It's something bigger than a rat and a gnat. He flashed the lights to Do-Hyun whose face had never had an expression on it. Then, he turned to look at Taehyung and Seokjin, and neither of them has tears in their eyes but Seokjin rather has an annoyed look on his incredibly handsome face. For a minute Dr. Park thought he was dreaming but the sobs were yet to be heard.

He points the light on the bed and there he confirmed it wasn't a mouse, instead, a beautiful scarlet lad with a pale face and impeccable delicate features. Dr. Park trod cautiously toward him and felt someone grab him as though to stop him, he looks at the person and wagged his arm to remove the person's grip around him. He doesn't feel scared. Not a little bit, not even a single motes do he feel the cold dread dropping by him. Yoongi doesn't frighten him anymore, so he was sure he was safe to be close to him now.

The man whimpered helplessly as tears raced down his cheeks like a waterfall and the bite of pain sizzled in his throat. Dr. Park wiped his tears and held him close. No words were spoken only with his tender touch and soporific warmth did Yoongi feel safe again. The great fear that was smothering him, playing with his life like he was a circus bear somehow left when he felt the familiar muscular arms around his waist.

"Stay away from him, Dr. Park. Stay away now," The priest demands.

"Sometimes devils do not always show themselves as the toughest and strongest being on this land; sometimes they tend to make themselves appear the weakest and pitiful creatures, and so with it, they make themselves stronger with every lie and every people they deceive."

"They're called liars and wicked for a reason. Not because they're created to be evil—but because they act evil."

The crying stopped. Dr. Park shivered and he heard a low growl coming from the latter; he instantly pulled away. The man snarls and attempted to grab him. Do-Hyun held up the cross in front of him and the possessed boy lowered his head like he was scared.

"You can't fool us, you unrighteous devil," said the priest.

"Tell me your name," he commands him. The boy made no reply. He purrs and his eyes wander every corner of the wall as though haunting for flies. Gazing vigilantly at the smoggy darkness, Dr. Park was nearly convinced there are things lurking behind the semi-dark thick velvet. Some things that are unprepossessing to fell gaze into. Park cannot stop the train of thoughts running through his head. Glowing eyes, sharp teeth, hairy body, monstrous face; it was as if the young man reads his mind as a devilish smirk hovered in the corner of his lips.

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