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Taehyung looks at himself in the mirror. The wound in his neck was still there, red and swollen, pulsing as he breathes. It looks hideous, with dried blood covering the gash. No bite mark can be seen anywhere around his neck, it is just a deep hole like a chunk out of meat.

The wound stings as the cold breeze of the tenebrous night skim softly on his open flesh. Maybe Dr. Kim was right after all? Those rumors weren't rumors anymore.

That boy was indeed a monster.

He was there, he wasn't dreaming. He saw it with his own eyes, wide and clear, by how his face turned ghoulish. Taehyung remembers it; his gaze, his laughter, and the fear he had at that very hour, yet he doesn't understand how Seokjin can still remain skeptical behind all of the proofs and truths hanging above their head waiting to fall onto their stubborn figure and smash them for good.

He concedes everything Dr. Kim said, but he couldn't take a side with him. No, it wasn't the anger he has for Dr. Kim that held him back from jumping into his nasty plan. It was his trust in Seokjin (behind their different perspectives.) He believes that there is a better solution to this. A better and more humane way.

However, he hopes Dr. Kim was wrong.

His shoulder slumped and he throw his head back; eyes closed. Taehyung could feel the tiredness crawling up his body. He had enough from his first day—unlucky him 'cause this probably not gonna be his last.

The door suddenly slammed behind him causing him to jerk. He opened his eyes in frustration, turning to look at the person—but to his great surprise, he saw a woman stepping inside the last cubicle.

"What a woman doing in a men's bathroom?" He asked inwardly.

"Hey, miss! This is a men's bathroom, the women's bathroom the next door, I believe you're lost??" He called a little bit off at the last part. The woman ignores him as though she's deaf and closed the door. Taehyung hurriedly ran to her to respectfully ask her to come out and go into the girl's bathroom instead.

He stopped stiff on his feet as the horror meets the opposite of what he anticipated. Taehyung found nothing but a dirty toilet gaping at his frozen face. His lips dried, dumbfounded in disbelief. He shook his head, looking around in puzzled.

"I... I swear I saw someone in here... Where did she go?" He asked confused.

"That's weird."

He shrugs. "I think I'm high..."

He exhaled deeply and turned on the faucet. The loud hissing of the flowing liquid shrieked as they hit the sink. He flashed water onto his face, rubbing them gently to get rid of the tiredness sticking like pestering webs in his eyes.

The beads of water glimmered on his face like sea pearls emanated from the light. His wet brows lay in different silly directions. Taehyung straightened up. The terror fell before his eyes at the horrifying reflection staring back at him in the steel-silver mirror.

A rotting body of gray and green full of innumerable wicked bees nipped onto the decaying flesh, digging until the bones appeared in their sight.

Taehyung screamed, eyes wide in fright, hands shaking uncontrollably, stepping away from it. He was vulnerable. The dreadful reflection now had a frightened look peering into him. The lights began flickering and doors swung back and forth. His helpless cries are audible over the loud banging of wooden doors.

He couldn't tell if this was all a nightmare or atrocity God put him in again—perhaps some stupid people prank trying to scare him. Thinking this all was just a joke is easier. It doesn't matter if he looks stupid in their camera, at least he could assure himself it wasn't real.

But destiny seemed against him. The doors wouldn't stop banging, a loud piercing voice titters. Taehyung looked around bovinely like a lost cow. He wanders every corner with his eyes in a will to find the person behind this fucked up joke.

"FUCKING JESUS CHRIST STOP!!!" He cried out, but it was hopeless.

He dropped onto his knees, crying like a pillock and praying forlornly. "O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Amen." He prayed, tongue stuttering agitatedly, sweats falling onto his quivering chin. The laughter grew louder. Taehyung shuts his eyes tightly, chanting the prayer repeatedly.

"O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell—" The noise stopped and the voice was gone. Taehyung breathes slowly, listening to his surroundings. Realizing it was over, he slowly opened his eyes. Turning to his side, unsettling wide eyes were looking back at him. He choked with his own air, frozen in terror as he was face to face with the ghost he's been dreading for his life — but it looks like it has found him now.

The woman was grinning unusually wide that her cheeks almost tear apart. "O My Jesus, forgive us our sins~~" She mimicked and giggled evilly. Taehyung screamed and scrambled out the door, her disturbing giggles trailing his ears.

He runs for his life, letting his feet drag him away from that place without any idea where to go.

He ran as fast as he could but he barely rounded the corner before he slammed into the stranger.

Run... Run... Run... The words circled in his mind, whispering them over and over again. Run... Run... Run...

He swings in his heels, he doesn't have time to think before he loses his balance, and fell flat to his butt.

The person looked at him worriedly.

"Hey? Are you okay? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

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