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"Here, tonight, they will gather and take every single soul and lure them to the devil—"

"Hey! Can you shut up?!" The guard yelled. The man stopped laughing and craned his neck slowly slightly to the side to look at the annoyed lad. Han-Gyeol gripped his dirty feet, there are layers of nasty dusk, and his nails are rotting. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and stick out his long ghastly tongue. Silly airy noises like a laugh came from his throat, tittering like a mad dog with his tongue dangling out.

"You will die! You will die!" He exclaimed and cackled hysterically. "You will die! You will die! You will die!" The phrase goes on rolling through his tongue. Kim Go-Yoon, the guard, was irked at the moment. He came out behind his table, bringing up the truncheon, and clasped it firmly in his hand.

He walked in front of the cell and hit the barricade with a truncheon in an attempt to scare away the patient. However, Han-Gyeol's smile grew deeper into a grin. He picked up himself and threw himself against the cell, making Go-Yoon recoil in surprise.

"Are you not going to stop?!" Kim Go-Yoon shouted, his voice had become increasingly sharp, almost strident. And he banged the wooden stick against the metal furiously. Han-Gyeol backed away. He still wore a sickly expression on his face. His eyes are wide open, and his tongue hangs out like a thirsty dog, and he pounces toward the guard, tittering like a crazed beast.


Dr. Kim and Dr. Park exchanged a look. The room sprang up and a blast of hot air filled every corner. With the hot air came something else, something they could not define but that filled them with dread. It grew more intense as if there is some sort of black hole sucking the oxygen away. The words remain unspoken in their tongue.

It was awkward … until Dr. Park finally decided to break the hoisting silence. "If you guys are done talking — I'll take my leave." The two Dr. Kim's nodded. Dr. Park shrugged. "Thanks for this, Dr. Kim, this would help a lot, thanks." He awkwardly forced on a smile and stepped out of the office.

Dr. Park proceeds to his office. As soon as he reached inside, he went to his drawer and laid the folder on top of the other, and locked it. He then removed his clinical coat and hang it on the hanger, took his case, and walked out.

What Dr. Kim said stuck in his head. The logic seemed to whisper in his ear. Dr. Park was not naive, he knew what Dr. Kim meant — however, it was blear to believe. He is assailed with doubts. The evidence that lined on the floor — they are not enough. Dr. Park was not satisfied. Something's missing. There's this twinge inside him and he whims for more.

Whatever is buried in the grave, he is going to dig it out by himself. Only when he sees it with his own eyes, that's when he'll going to believe. History had not yet spoken. It's too early to fall for those letters.


"Shut up!" A loud voice screamed. Dr. Park came to a halt, a confused look written on his face. He glanced to the dimmed hallway. He could hear two people arguing, and the voices seemed to come down the hall.

Out of curiosity, Dr. Park followed the screaming and he came to cell ninety-six. He saw the guard beating the metals, banging and kicking them angrily as the patient laughed and danced like a foolish dancing ape.

"Hey!" He called to their attention as he approached them. The guard stopped and looked toward his way. "What's happening here?" He asked as he stopped in front of Kim Go-Yoon.

"Oh." Kim Go-Yoon glance around bovinely and shifted his eyes back to the doctor standing across from him, waiting for an answer to his question. "I'm just trying to shut the patient, Dr. Park. Don't worry, I'll have it in control," he replied politely and bowed his head slightly.

Dr. Park gazed at the crazed man and back to the guard. He nodded. "Don't hurt the patient, your job is to guard them, make sure they won't escape, not to beat them when they won't shut up," he remarked. Kim Go-Yoon shakes his head violently. "Yes, sir."

"Do your job properly." After that, Dr. Park left the cells and headed to his car. He threw his case to the passenger seat and piled in the driver's seat. He floored the accelerator and the car tore out of there like a bat out of hell.

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