...felt so stupid.

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The classroom buzzed with chattering of various students of all types. Ambiverts, extroverts, popular ones, rich ones, friendly ones, rude ones, narcissists people and even some introverted yet happy people. There, in the middle, sat one person who didn't fit into any of these categories. You.

You fiddled with the edges of the spiraled project report, ready to be submitted, ready to garner praises as usual. Your round, large yet kind of cute glasses slid down your nose occasionally which you positioned over and over again. Your black hoodie paws made your fingers look small and pale, the rose-gold ring shining.

People had so many things to do on either side of you but somehow, you had nothing to do. Literally nothing. They talked about fashion and models. What is Victoria's Secret? Marie Claire? Who names a magazine like that? Who featured where?  Some talked about superbikes and automated cars. Again it seemed like a Martian language. Why won't anyone talk about electron theories?

Thoughts kept you busy. You knew nothing. You felt stupid.
That's when you felt a tug at your low pony. You turned around with an annoyed face only to face the enigmatically cute face of the hottest guy in the campus. 

The one and only, Jeon Jungkook.

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