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So here I am after 3 and without further ado let's start

"So ciel wanna tell me what happened right now" asked rimuru looking at the ceiling

《Milim came to master to confess her love but master lust take control of him once again and master had done the 'sex' again》said ciel without the hint of reaction

"Ciel did you informed everyone that no girl allowed in my office for the time being" asked rimuru

《Yes master》 said ciel

"And wanna tell me why I said those crazy lines that i don't want to say" asked rimuru (if you don't remember he is talking about lines like 'now you belong to me' like those you would understand what I am talking about)

《Like I said before because of master highly grown lust making a diffrent personality inside master》said ciel

"O..ka..y" said rimuru looking suspiciously through he brush his feeling

3 days later

3rd pov:-

"Hah.....hah ciel what's happening to me" asked rimuru huffing

《Because the reason I told you earlier was the cause you inside personality will take control》said ciel

"Why can't you make this personality disappear" asked rimuru

《Because even this personality is diffrent from master but this is also master's part so I didn't have a power to fight master's personality》 said ciel

"Hah.....hah ci..e..l" said rimuru before closing his eyes and in his face a smirk form

"HAHAAHAHA I WILL MAKE THEM ALL SUMBIT TO ME HAHAHAHAHAHA" shouted RAP (A/N : remember that when rimuru alternative personality talk it's going to be RAP(Rimuru alternative personality)okay)

"Ciel teleport me to hinata tsundere" said rimuru with mischievous grin

《Yes master》said ciel in shocked voice, she didn't expect to her master to turn out to be like that

"And yeah make my other personality until I gave you command" said rimuru

《Y..e..s》 she said while shivering seeing new face of rimuru, she teleport rimuru to hinata

Hinata was in a school in her office when reading some document, rimuru teleport infront of her she didn't seem to notice him right now rimuru moved behind her completely hiding his presence, and he gave her hug behind her

"Gasph" gasph hinata she tries to look who is behind her

"Shhhh" said rimuru in her ears, she recognized the voice but didn't understand what he is doing

"Today you're gonna become mine" said rimuru in her ears, hearing this hinata became a blushing mess but before she could say something rimuru licks her ears sending chills in her whole body, but before she could blink rimuru was sitting in her chair and she was sitting on his lap, she is just gonna blast in her mind but controlling, she was gonna say something again but rimuru pull her in a aggressive kiss, she didn't even ready for that but trying to match rimuru phase in her mouth but failing miserably she she knows she was mouning

"~mmmmmhhhhh~" she was mouning in her kiss they separate, but rimuru didn't look satisfied but before did she know they were teleport to his space there were three beds two were already full but before she could ask something rimuru push her on a bed he climbed on her, but seeing girl sleeping on her bed and rimuru completely ignoring her supposed to ask question she muster her remaining strength and slap rimuru in his cheek

"RIMURU WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" asked hinata shouting top of her lungs

"I will all girls sumbit to me, I will make all of you sumbit to me" said rimuru whispering first sentence muttering to himself, and after saying he push her to bed and kissing her aggressively hinata is shocked, she couldn't able to do anything then realizing hit her her eyes wide rimuru didn't giving her a single second to think, snaps there clothes disappears, rimuru put his two fingers inside her his fingers moving fast in her, she was losing in pleasure then rimuru stops kissing her she was huffing trying to catch air, but rimuru started sucking on her nipples

"Hah....hah" she was losing herself in pleasure rimuru giving him she was right now unable to think anything, rimuru seeing this smirk but didn't stop his fingers inside, this was the moment she lost herself she has hearts in her eyes and her tongue was outside rimuru seeing this starts to kissing and sucking her nipples again and again but after some time he stop

"Now I ask you hinata what do you want now" asked rap

"I-I w-wa-nt i-t in-si-de" said hinata but rap didn't move an inch

"What you want inside" asked rimuru looking at her

"Y-yo-ur  d-di-ck in-si-de m-y pu-ss...-yy" said hinata huffing again and again

"Then if you want that sumbit to me became my slut/slave" said rimuru

"Y-ye-s" said hinata she was in full pleasure she can't even think what's she's saying

"Well then pleade me, you have to earn it" said rimuru

"M-ma-ste-r pl-EA-se g-I-v-e this slut your rod inside me" said hinata with tears in her eyes

"Well then" said rap and put his full length in her in one shot

"AHhhh" came the voice of hinata occurring in full room rap didn't stop for her reaction he starts moving fast and faster

"Master FASTER" shout hinata she wrapped her legs around his waist

"HARDER MORE HARDER" shouted again rimuru was moving fast but didn't fast enough to destroy her, rap smirks he is gonna finish his mission

And that goes on

That's it
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