To Blood Rage Pack

Start from the beginning

" We have about thirty minutes left of the drive." Oh my god, this is going to be a long thirty minutes. At least the twins are still fine and asleep, I think this would've been a challenge if they had dirty nappies. 

For the last bit of the drive we have both calmed down a little, and we were having small talk here and there with the radio playing softly in the background. As soon as we arrived at the pack border all the memories came flooding back. All the days where I was punished if I did something wrong, Blake's party and the rejection. The way his dad treated me as if I was a piece of garbage. I don't think I'm ready for this, I think this was a mistake.

'Soph, really? You should just give Blake a chance. He hasn't given you any reason to doubt his promises he made to us. Just try to relax and put the memories behind you for now please. Without Blake and Max you know we can die, we need them as much as they need us.' Sapphire told me. I guess I could try and put it behind me, for now.

Shyla drove further into the pack and stopped in front of a beautiful house. It was a soft crème color on the outside with big windows, and a really beautiful spacious garden. I have no clue who's house this was. It must be new because I think I would've remembered this house, but yet it doesn't ring a bell. " Blake had it built before he went down to Florida, he wanted a place of his own. He didn't want to live in the pack house forever, said he wanted his privacy for him and his family one day." Shyla spoke behind me, after we got out of the car.

We got the twins out of the car and carried them in their car seats into the house. The interior of the house was very modern but still held a very cozy feel to it. I just loved it. It was almost like my dream home. I walked into the living room placing Nova's car seat down on the sofa. The twins were still asleep, I have no clue how they are so peaceful but I'm not complaining about it.

I walked over to the window, noticing that Blake's truck still wasn't there. Worrying about where he is and if he was fine, I got dizzy and almost fell when Shyla caught me and sat me down. She went into the kitchen to get me a glass of water. A few minutes later I got tired of just sitting so I decided to go exploring. I went for the stairs, wanting to know what was on the second floor. I found there were three rooms, the main bedroom with an en suite bathroom and a walk in closet, a grey and white nursery with two cribs in them with the twins names above their cribs on the wall. There was a guest bedroom next to the twins room and another bathroom at the other end of the hallway.

Shyla and I grabbed the twins and placed  them in their cribs and switched on their monitor and took the other speaker of the monitor with us. I went into the kitchen and made some coffee. It was now almost eleven thirty and Blake was still nowhere to be found. I told Shyla to go and get some sleep in the guest bedroom because she also had an exhausting day. She tried to refuse but I told her that I was not in the mood for her stubbornness.

The pack warriors where still outside, they were guarding the house from I'm guessing the rogues. Could this be the reason that Blake isn't here yet? Or was he having second thoughts about us? About the twins? This is all my fault? I think I should let Jake know that we are here in Blood Rage territories. I scrolled through my phone until I saw Jake's number and hit dial. 

"Hello?" comes Jake's groggy voice through the phone. "Hey boo, we're safe in pack territory. We had a little run in with a few rogues, Blake took off diverting them from following us. This was two hours ago and Blake is still not home. I don't know what to do I'm freaking out" I said bursting into tears.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. He is going to be alright. He's probably still trying to get rid of them. Where's Shyla?" he asked. "She's asleep upstairs, I told her to go and get some rest. What if something happened to him? I... We had no time... The moon goddess can't take him away form me. I didn't even g... get to t... t... tell him that I love him" I sobbed into the phone.

"You just did my Soph" I heard his deep raspy voice behind me. I turned around so fast, I was surprised that I didn't get lightheaded. There he stood, in front of me, with a few wounds on his face. " I'll talk to you later Jake." I said and hung up. I threw my phone on the couch and sped to him jumping into his arms sobbing even more. "Shh Soph, I'm here. I'm okay" he said reassuringly.

I pulled away from him, wiping my face and punched him in the chest a few times. "Where were you?! I thought something happened to you! I thought I was never going to see you again!" I shouted. He caught my arms and just held me tight to his chest. I felt something hot and wet roll down my cheek, which I knew wasn't my tears. I looked up at Blake and he had tears rolling down his face as well.

" I'm sorry I didn't call you. After you left I sped off to another road so that they can follow me. I diverted them in a whole other direction, except for one. This guy kept following me, and I guess he linked some of his buddies because when we got on a dirt road his friends hit me on my side and my truck rolled. I tried getting out of the truck as quick as I could and shifted then ran here. I am just so glad you guys are okay. Where are the twins?" he explained. That explains the bruises and open wounds. I lead him to the bathroom downstairs and searched for the med kit.

When I found it I motioned for him to sit on the toilet while I worked on trying to fix his face a little bit. "They're in the nursery asleep, they should wake up in a few minutes for their next feed." I said focusing on cleaning a deep wound on his cheek. "I'm so glad you are here, safe. I was so worried about you. This is all my fault" I said, another tear rolling down my cheek.

Blake brought his hand up and wiped the tear away and kissed me. I missed him so much. "Soph, this isn't your fault, why would you even think is it your fault?" he asked with a stern look on his face. "Uhm, let's see, maybe because I was the reason that we stopped on the road in the first place. Don't even try to tell me it isn't because I know damn well that I was being very childish about the whole situation earlier. I'm really sorry" I said hugging him, not wanting him to leave, ever again.

"It's okay baby, we were all being a bit childish. let's go feed the twins and get some rest. My mother wants to come over tomorrow to see you three." he said rolling his eyes, but smiling brightly. Aw I missed his mom so much, she is going to love the twins. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

We went upstairs and got the twins out of their cribs. We went to the main bedroom, which Blake mentioned was our room, and I notice two bassinets there. I guess I might've missed them with the exploring earlier. We then sat on the bed, fed the babies, burped them and changed their nappies and placed them in their bassinets next to the bed. Blake and I then cuddled up on the bed and sleep quickly took over. This was an eventful day. Let's hope we have a few days before we have another busy day like today. I need a break.


Heyy guys.

Thank you so much for your patience and support.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Love you guys



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