Lightspeed Rescue Part 2

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The Doom Marine had started his trek to the closest exit hatch toward the Barracks. Kicking down another door, he soon realized where he was. There were papers and computers knocked over. Several devices remained on the tables, either unfinished or under repair. Turning to the right, he came face to face with a display case for their completed projects and prototypes. He arrived at the Research and Development Labs. This wasn't his first fight with demons, and he never said no to more weapons and gear. The first item to catch his eye was a strange black bracer. It seemed more clunky than the others in terms of design.

From his helmet communications, Vega explained what he was looking at. "You are looking at the first successful prototype of the V-Mode Brace, colloquially known as the Battle Booster. While it lacks some newer features, you will be pleased that this model focused more on combat potential than modularity with later projects. It is capable of energizing the user's strikes several times over and projecting a personal shield."

More interested in the device now, he plucked it from his case and placed it on his right arm. The Praetor Suit was acknowledging the new item and securing it.

"Normally, you would need to input command codes manually, but I am interfacing it with the controls for your shoulder-mounted cannon. You should have the same ease of use. If you are interested, it is capable of interfacing with the item to its left, the Thermo Blaster."

Hearing that, the Slayer picked up the weapon for examination.

"It fires powerful energy blasts, not unlike the UAC Plasma Rifle. However, I find its utility mode more beneficial. Removing the power pack from the handle and inserting it into the upper barrel shifts it to Rescue Mode. It can extinguish fires and fire energy ropes, nets, or restraints."

The Doom Slayer raised a brow at that last one. He could use more crowd control options.

"When the V-Mode Brace is attached, it shifts into Hyper Mode, providing amplified energy blasts."

With that, he placed it in his Warp Pack for later. He was just about to leave until something big caught his eye. It was a large black and gray double-edged battle axe, not dissimilar to those used by the soldiers of Argent D'Nur. Seeing what looked like a trigger, he got his hands on it. The Slayer appreciated melee weapons which are also guns.

"What you have is the prototype of the Titanium Laser. The larger size than the current model is due to it being developed as a proof of concept for the internal mechanisms. It was too unwieldy for their purposes; however, it seems suitable to your build size."

The Marine couldn't agree more and magnetized it to his back. Shaking off the brief distraction, he ran before coming to a diving bay. Not wasting any more time, he dove right in. Contrary to his considerable bulk, he was still mobile underwater. Swimming toward his destination, he could hear the thumps of the underwater mecha. It didn't take long for him to make contact. The large black and gold zord trekked its way toward Pod 4, sword in hand. Putting two and two together, the Slayer dashed toward its estimated line of fire.

After getting within reach, the Lifeforce Megazord drew its right hand back, sword at the ready. As its swing began, several objects detonated against its arm, causing the titanic blade to strike the seafloor instead. This confused the batlings inside. What had happened? Their questions were soon answered as they felt more attacks against them. Turning its head, it found a strange green humanoid on the ocean floor with what appeared to be a rocket launcher.

Feeling this was no threat, the Megazord lifted its left foot and prepared to stomp on it. However, the being didn't move as the metal leg came crashing down. Sand and rocks swirled in the water below.

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