Yujin holds the man's collar tight as she huffs in anger. "Stay away from her, you weakling!" She gives the man a first and last punch right on his left cheek. She stands victoriously and once her eyes meet Wonyoung's, the flame of anger in those two hazelnut orbs disappears in instant. Afraid she could loss her self control again, she intertwines her hand with Wonyoung's and brings her away from the stunned man.

"What was that for, Yudaeng?"

"He was hitting on you."

Wonyoung fondly smiles as she stares at the pout on her best friend's face. Although she admits that she is flustered about that incident, she keeps it inside as they walk their way back home. "You don't like it?" She chuckles when Yujin straight away shakes her head like a child. "Why? Won't it be good if I have a boyfri-"

"No, you can't."

Wonyoung's steps halt as Yujin abruptly stops walking. She turns around to meet Yujin's eyes but the latter looks away, a slight hint of embarrassment is visible on her face. Now, she is plainly confused about Yujin's feelings but she shrugs it off and approaches the latter. Perhaps Yujin is just being the protective friend she always is.

Yujin herself doesn't know why she acted and talked like that. These unfamiliar and strange feelings of anger and despair when she saw how the man is hitting on Wonyoung is something she never experienced before. All that she knows is she won't let Wonyoung date. At least not until the date can assure her that they can take good care of Wonyoung, which is bullshit because only she can take care of Wonyoung the way she will be satisfied.

But she does think that what she just did is a little bit unnecessary so an apology easily slips out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry. That wasn't necessary, right?" She hangs her head down as shame slowly sinks in. But instead of getting scolded, she feels a pair of warm hands holding her cheeks, forcing her to lift her head. Then, she meets her eyes another pair of eyes that is full of warmth and fondness that makes her tear up.

"That was so necessary, Yudaeng. I was wishing you could kick his ass too, honestly."

The bright smile on Wonyoung's face warms her heart a little bit too much that a hearty chuckle comes out of her mouth. She wipes the tears on her cheeks before she throws herself on Wonyoung, visibly delighted that her best friend isn't mad about what she did earlier.


Yujin just walks out of her bathroom with a small towel hanging on her neck while she dries her hair off with it. The incident a few hours ago replays in her mind and she unconsciously clenches her fists tightly. But then, a question arises in her head.

"Why is she feeling like this?"

"Why is she so bothered by the thought of someone else trying to hold Wonyoung close like that?"

But she doesn't want to think about it deeper so she shakes her head weakly and just assures herself that it was all because that man is a mere stranger that thinks he has a chance with her Wonyoung.

But still, she can't help but feel so bothered about her actions earlier. Was she overreacting? What if that was a little bit too much? What if she talks nicely, the man will just walk away from them.

A lot of what-ifs are popping out inside her head before a head pops out from the corner of her slightly opened door.


She flinches as she is pulled out from her deep thoughts. "Y-yeah?" "Can I come in?" A small smile forms on her face as she nods and gestures to Wonyoung to just come in.

As soon as Wonyoung closes the door, she approaches Yujin and gives the slightly older woman a bear hug, which obviously flatters the latter.

"What's wrong?"

Yujin though she hides it well but how can she lie to someone who knows her the most? She then melts inside Wonyoung's warm embrace before they settle down on the bed, with both of them sitting on the edge of it.

"I'm sorry." is what comes out of Yujin's mouth, interrupting the comfortable silence they were inside a few seconds ago.

"I told you, Yudaeng. It's okay. If I were you, I would kick his arms until he can't move them anymore."

Yujin is flustered by how Wonyoung's sentence comes out soft though the content is a little bit ferocious. She just smiles at the end while intertwining her fingers with Wonyoung's.

"I honestly felt so angry, like something was boiling inside my whole body when he was hitting on you. Who does he think he is? Heck, his looks are nothing compared to my Wonyo, tch!"

Yujin didn't notice it but Wonyoung's face reddening after Yujin called her 'my Wonyo'

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