16. Monachopsis

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A few weeks have passed since the two girls' reconciliation. Both of them finally have the time to take a breath from intense emotions; Well maybe only one of them. Yujin thought that her friendship with Wonyoung would be stable again—if not stronger, she supposed—but no, she was horribly wrong. Okay, maybe she's exaggerating this but guess what? The Jang Wonyoung has found a new best friend! How dare she! Wait, Yujin doesn't mean that Wonyoung never had another friend since they've known each other—well, she has plenty actually—but never had she ever found someone else to eat lunch with, to go to the toilet with or to go back from school with! It has always been Yujin and Yujin only!

Now, here Yujin is, walking behind Wonyoung and her newfound friend that can't stop calling her princess—it's Yujin's favourite nickname of Wonyoung!— whose name is Naoi Rei. Yujin never says anything about Rei to Wonyoung because unfortunately, Naoi Rei is too good for Yujin to complain about her. Rei has tried getting closer to her but after sending a few signs of refusal, Rei took them well and just casually talked to her from time to time. This Rei girl is actually one of the students—from Japan, obviously—for the exchange program both of their schools are handling for about 3 months—if she's not mistaken—and as much as it looks like a short amount of time but only one week has passed but Yujin badly wants her to go back to her own school so that Yujin can play with Wonyoung again. She swears that if Wonyoung asks Rei if she want to sleepover at Wonyoung's ho–

"Rei-chan, want to sleep at my house tonight?"

As if the world is strongly against her, Wonyoung just asked Rei for a sleepover and that's the cue for Yujin to start acting out. Without waiting for Rei's answer, Yujin slips into the conversation.

"Is it really necessary, Wonyoung?"

Well, she might sound a little bit stern looking at Wonyoung's confused and shocked expression on her face.


"I'm sorry but didn't you hear me the first time, Jang?"

Hearing Yujin calls her Jang makes Wonyoung realize that there's something that upset the other girl, but what?

Rei, who is better at reading the room than the dense Wonyoung immediately gets what Yujin meant by that and she needs to agree that she has taken a lot of Wonyoung's time with Yujin. Smiling ever so slightly, she just excuses herself with the reasoning that a certain cat-like friend needs her to help with her assignment and leaves quietly.

After making sure Rei's body disappears from her vision, Wonyoung turns around and faces Yujin with displeasure written all over her face.

"What was that all about, An Yujin?!"

"You really don't get it, do you?"

Yujin cups her face in frustration. Now, how the hell would she tell Wonyoung that she, the An Yujin, is jealous? As she rubs her face and sighs heavily, a pair of hands snatches her wrist, and—God, when did she come this close—Wonyoung's nose nearly touches hers. Flustered, Yujin pulls away and stares at the other girl intensely.

"Tell me, what is bothering you so much?"

Yujin looks into Wonyoung's eyes with clenched teeth and sighs. She's sorry for being a coward but she really can't find any courage to tell Wonyoung what is actually bothering her.


She breaks their eye contact first, trying to find something interesting to stare at.

"What do you mean nothing, Yuj?"

"It's nothing."

Yujin knows sooner or later the bubble of secrets she's hiding is going to pop out if Wonyoung keeps pushing her like this but she has no absolute excuses to give anymore. She was about to run away before Wonyoung grips her wrist. Technically, she can just pull away again but the stare Wonyoung is giving her ultimately freezes her legs.

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