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billie's pov
it's been a few days since that whole situation, ivy's been ignoring my calls and texts, which hurt but i still tried, and i finally got a response, but not the kind i wanted.

ma baby

can we talk?
ik what i did was wrong
because i knew you like me.
but none of it meant anything,
i only have eyes for you rn.
i swear to you.

leave me tf alone before i
fucking block you, i'm tired
of you telling me you feel the same
then act the complete opposite of that,
it's fucking stressful. you never
considered my feelings and how i felt,
you apologized but not one of those
were real. i'm done dealing with the
bullshit lies you tell me. you're
fucking pitiful.

ma baby has notifications silenced

since that message i've been crying nonstop, i know I'm in the wrong but i just wanted ivy to listen to me, that girl i was "flirting" with was just my friend, that how we talk, it's not bc we like each other or anything.

i knew the decision i was about to make was gon' for sure make ivy happy. i grabbed my keys and all that stuff and went to target, i grabbed a card, some stuffed animals because ik she loves them, and some candy, then i went to a thrift store and bought some clothes, bags, ect. things i knew were her style and knew she would like. last place i stopped by was the ice cream shop, i got her chocolate chip cookie bc she always gets that.

i went back home set up the cute little basket, i sprayed ivy's favorite cologne of mine on some of the stuffed animals and ivy's favorite perfume of mine on the others.

i placed it gently in my car, buckled it up and made sure nothing would get messed up on my way to her house, yk what they say. safety first.

i buckled myself in and drove to her house.

it took me a little over an hour to get to her house because i got lost multiple times, so in total, i spent  4 hours or so doing all this for her, her bum ass better appreciate it too.

once i finally got to her house, i made myself look presentable and walked to her front door, i knocked and waited for someone to answer.

a girl i had never seen before, slightly older than me answered, "who are you," she asked in a calm voice, "i'm ivy's friend," i gulped nervously as she looked at the gift i got for ivy.

"friend, huh? okay give me a second," she looked me up and down once more and pushed the door closed a little bit so she could turn her head, "ivy, ur girlfriend's here," she yelled out, she turned her head back and looked at me, "oh by the way, i'm ash, short for ashlyn, ivy's older sister," she said as she flipped her white dusty hair, i guess you could call it an ashy color, fits her perfectly i guess.

she invited me in and i stood by the island in the middle of the kitchen, i heard stomping coming down stairs, once ivy say who her 'girlfriend' was she rolled her eyes.

i gave her sad eyes but then gave her a fake smile, ash looked between the two of us awkwardly, she placed her hand on my back and began to lightly push me to ivy, "stop being awkward and talk idiots," ash spoke and before she walked upstairs she smacked ivy on the forehead and ran, i let out a little giggle.

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