Something About Athena

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"You realize the procedure, right?"

"Yes, Boss. 'The defendant has the right to know any special circumstances regarding their defense, including but not limited to: relationship to the Prosecution or Judge, any personal involvement in the case or similar cases that may produce bias...'"

"'Or legal designations passed onto the defense that display functioning not present in the normal population.' You're insane, Athena. The defendant has the right to know, and the court is requiring your declaration. I know you'd rather not talk about it, but insanity is serious."

"Does Apollo have to be there? I... know an attorney went insane last year during a trial he was assigned to. It's selfish but-"

"You think he'll instantly believe you're the same."

"Yes, I'm afraid." Her voice became silent, with trembling lips she muttered "I... can't start over... not again."


Athena and Mr. Wright had been in a slew of private meetings since her arrival. When Apollo arrived at 7am the morning of the trial, they were already in another meeting. It was none of his business, he tried to ignore it.

"Ah, Apollo! Would you mind dropping Trucy off at school? I need to take Athena to the courthouse to finish a few papers. This was the only time the notary could meet."

He saw Athena cringe. His bracelet didn't need to tighten in order for him to figure these were no standard papers. "Yeah, sure, Mr. Wright. You want me to come as soon as she's there, or?"

"Why don't you come thirty minutes before it starts? That should give us enough time, and let you have a last quiet moment to look the evidence over."

"Okay! Apollo Justice is out! Trucy! You ready?!"

"All ready, Polly! See you after school today, Daddy! Good luck with your first trial, Athena!"

"Thank you, Trucy! You do your best in school today."

"Of course! C'mon, Polly! I need to catch you up!"

Phoenix waited until their footsteps were long out the door. "I... really don't know what you're about to go through. So, whenever you're ready. I'll let you lead."


April 18, 2027


District Courtroom Number One - Private Judicial Chambers


Two officers stood on both sides of Prosecutor Blackquill, and two stood behind Athena. After Nine Tails Vale's incident, the guards standing on Athena's flanks were instructed not to grab her from the back unless absolutely necessary.

The judge sat front and center, straight across from her, with Phoenix on the right and Blackquill on the left. A Detective Gumshoe sat near her boss and the chief prosecutor by her uncle. Outside of the heavy oak doors, two armed guards stood just in case. A convict and a psycho were dangerous on their own, and unpredictable together.

"Protector Blackquill was intended to join us by closed circuit broadcast." Mr. Miles Edgeworth cleared his throat and tapped his packet against the cold wood. "However, while reviewing this case, a complication appeared requiring his presence. Are you aware of this complication, Doctor Athena Cykes?"

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