1.) Be Nice to Me

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"Wait, you turned into the owl beast to scare Bobby Ridgeway?" Nini asks as I sit beside Principal Bump in their office.

"Well...yeah." I tried to think of an excuse but in all honesty, there isn't one. Other than the fact that he was being a total jerk.

"This behavior is unacceptable at Hexside. If this continues, we will have to take action. Although, I'm not very surprised. I had hoped Y/N was going to turn out more like you instead of Edalyn." Principal Bump sighs.

"Don't talk about my mom, she's great." I defend her even though she didn't show up at Nini's office.

"But behavior? Not the greatest." Principal Bump tries. "Raine, may I speak with you alone?"

"Yes, of course. Y/N, go wait outside. I'll talk to you in a minute." Nini sighs with their hand stressfully on their forehead.

"Fine." I roll my eyes and stand from my chair.

The two stare as I walk out, shutting the door behind me. The corridor is empty so I take a seat on the floor with my back against the wall. You would think they would be happy I can actually control the owl beast unlike my mom but no. Suddenly, you're a bad guy because you scare Bobby Ridgeway. But he totally deserved it and I don't feel bad.

I hate this place. I hate the prissy gold walls and the prissy red carpets. When I found out Nini was joining the bard coven, I went ballistic, to say the least. But we've fixed our relationship for the most part. But only because they aren't an active part of the bard coven, just a teacher. I don't know what I would do if they got a higher position, probably lose it again. That's one thing I got from my mom. Hatred of covens.

That's why I'm rarely here. But also because of Aunt Lily. If she found out I was here she would probably force me into the Emperor's Coven. I'm fairly smart and I'm just overall the coolest person at my school so I get it. Why would they want a bunch of zeros when they could have me? Maybe I got mom's ego too.

I wouldn't give up living with her for the world. I love my nini, I really do, but the Owl House is the best place in the world. Hooty is questionable and King keeps stealing my stuff from the cupboards but I love it. And my room is pretty cool but that's not the point.

I lean my head back against the wall and shut my eyes for a moment. I can't believe Principal Bump came all this way to the castle just to tell on me to my parent. I left school early and everything. Still in my dumb uniform. Footsteps come from down the hall and my eyes open. Please don't be Aunt Lily, please don't be Aunt Lily.

But it's worse. The Golden Guard comes sauntering in with his dumb-looking mask and cape. I don't even know the guy but still, kill me now. I try not to look at him and stare straight ahead at the door in front of me. But just my luck, that's where he stands.

"Is Raine Whispers in a meeting?" He asks and couldn't sound more bored. I just nod and play with the beads on my bracelet. "Or don't say anything and just nod, that works too." He scoffs.

"Shouldn't you be up your uncle's ass right now? Looks like you're off schedule." I say before I have the chance to think before speaking.

"I could have you arrested for talking to me like that!" He snaps.

"No, you can't." I scoff.

"Maybe not but it won't be long before you're actually arrested. I saw Principal Bump walk in earlier. Have fun talking about that at your high school reunion." He says while sliding a letter into Nini's box.

"As opposed to your future boring suburban life? I'm sure you'll go to a perfect prestigious college and marry an incredibly successful real estate agent. Maybe you'll even get a few dogs." I shake my head.

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