CHAPTER 54 - Lucky or Unlucky

Start from the beginning


As far as Kim Dokja knew, no king had achieved the black flag at this point.
“Did you forget? There isn’t only one method to change the colour of a flag.”

The achievement value of the flag went up when taking over a station. However, there was a way to get achievement values much faster.


It was to take the flag of another representative.

Right now, there were a bunch of kings with flags in Gwanghwamun.

Kim Dokja calmed down the party members.
“Don’t worry. This wasn’t unexpected. We will proceed as planned.”

As planned. Kim Dokja said this but it wouldn’t be easy.

There were clouds of war hanging over Gwanghwamun. It was a breathless tension just before the storm blew. The sound of weapons being pulled out and the organization of  battle lines could be heard.
People would soon start moving.

Those competing for a promotion would now kill each other with real swords. Those who wanted a wider territory would take each other’s flags to occupy more stations.
Kill each other and get better items. It was in order to survive.

Lee Sungkook watched the buildings around them and muttered in a surreal tone. “It is scary. Is this really South Korea?”

“It is South Korea. It is still South Korea.”

“Representative-nim, aren’t you scared?”

“I’m afraid.”

It wasn’t a lie, he was obviously scared. To be honest, Kim Dokja often felt that way. Even if he read Ways of Survival, he was still a regular office worker. he didn’t express it but he often wondered if he could survive.

Of course, Kim Dokja worries didn’t last long. It was because it was useless to think about it. It was the same in any world.

Kim Dokja who worked at Mino Soft was now Kim Dokja who lived in the world of Ways of Survival. Death would come whether he wanted it to or not. The most important thing was…

“At least I feel like I am living right now.”

[The exclusive skill, ‘Fourth Wall’ is activated!]

I suddenly turned around and saw Lee Sungkook looking at me with reverent eyes.
“When I look at Representative-nim…”

“Kim Dokja-ssi, I think we need to part our way now as we don’t participate in the scenario.” Naru (Cale) said while holding a pitch black book in his hand.

After what happened in the temple before, he took out the black book to look for the crystal pieces but it haven’t showed any reaction.

“What are you going to do?” Kim Dokja asked as he was hoping that they would help him out.

“We need to go to the first apostle place to make sure that our status won’t be known by the others.” Naru (Cale) answered.

What! He already know about the first apostle whereabouts! Kim Dokja feels surprised.

“It’s all thanks to Jung Minseob.” Naru (Cale) smiled.

"!!!" Kim Dokja shocked by Cale words.
“How do you know about it?”

“I was told by someone.” Naru (Cale) smiled.

Well, I didn’t lied because I really know from the Wind Elementals reports. Naru (Cale) though while griping the top whip.

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