Our dynamic was as beautiful as ever with our mutual protection and care of each other through thick and thin.  She revealed facts I had already known and plenty I didn't including the sad departing of her parents and her trip through hell with the Port Mafia.  I definitely paid Atsushi my gratitude and respect for setting her onto a brighter path.  A sharp slap to the back of my head alerted me to my lack of focus again. 

"I get it!  I'm totally focused on the mission," I hissed to her.  She only glared back, calling my bluff with only a stare.  I pouted but set about making a conscious effort to stay alert.  This was new territory and I would need all my attention set to staying alive.  Waltzing into the den of a tiger wasn't easy or for the weak hearted. 

As we neared our destination slowly, the shadows seemed to stretch longer and the walls became higher.  I wasn't one to notice but it made me feel insignificant, like the alleyway could devour me without a care in the world.  With a single nervous gulp, I steeled my nerves and brushed up against Kyouka's shoulder. 

"We're close aren't we?" I whispered in her ear.  I felt her nod against me without a sound.  Her assassin silence sent a strange tingle up my neck.  To be one of her victims would be terrifying though you probably then somewhat deserved it one way or another. 

I poked my head around the corner to find nothing but an empty alleyway.  No pressure.  I gave my partner a single nod, the code that the coast was clear and that phase one would start.  An uncertainness crept up into her gaze as she frowned.  I knew she wouldn't see it but I gave her a small smile and a gentle shoulder pat before I slinked into the abandoned space.  I swear I heard the faintest "be careful" behind me but that could've just been wishful thinking. 

Each step I took had a purpose, an objective to swipe a very important document off a smaller gang's higher level thug.  Sounded complicated but when broken down was fairly simple.  With him not able to see my face it would help to slow down being traced back to the ADA.  It wasn't until I was nearly to the end of the alley I realized my mistake.  It was bold to assume there would be no watchmen for such an important document and that they were too low level to invest in a sniper. 

A searing pain flashed through my side till it consumed my whole body in horrifying waves of torment.  I only managed a weak shout but it was hopefully enough of a warning for Kyouka to run.  I crumpled to the floor, my arms not knowing whether to try to cover the wound or not.  A warm liquid slicked my hands in a delicious red hue. 

In the back of my pain stricken mind, I was vaguely aware of gunshots and shouts that sounded terrifyingly familiar.  A hand gripped the base of my neck but my vision was too blurred to make out the features.  A darkness invaded my sight as someone seemed to be screaming at me.


The day was warm and colored in warm earthy tones with the taste of sweetness in the wind.  It was an early memory, one of my earliest that tended to be nearly forgotten about.  Two young children ran around giggling in the yard with not a care or worry in the world.  The adults sat up at the house with warm smiles adorning their features at the sight of such a sweet friendship, one that appeared strong enough to be unbroken for anything. 

The boy held a ball the size of his head to his chest with a goofy grin pulling at his cheeks.  He watched as the girl caught up to him with a slight reddish hue to her cheeks from the constant running.  She, also, wore a wide smile, one that was rare when she wasn't around the boy. 

"I wanna play house now," she called to him.  His smile didn't falter as he dropped the ball to join her side.  She giggled as he took her hand in his and gently pulled her along to one of the nearby trees. 

Bungou Stray Dogs x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now