Chapter 11: Truth and Trust.

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The touch lights flickered as the council room within the castle with the Kingdom of ground was filled with different kinds of people. Three of which were highly and well-dressed young men around Thomas's age. The other 5 were adult men and women with attire of the same status. They were all gathered at a table.

As the visitors gave dark stares, the man at the table's front, Landon Tyrann, the Kingdom's ruler, and his son, Allen, just smirked with deviousness.

"What did you call us all here for, Tyrann?!" The man in red demanded fiercely.

Landon just smiled more, seeing how everyone wanted to know what he wanted from them. He sighed and then gestured to a calendar that was being held by one of his servants.

"The birthday, of Lady Stone is nearly upon us. About a week away in fact. So far, Brunett Stone had been so focused on other things that he seems to have forgotten the rules our ancestors, or at least most of them have agreed upon. That princess has no betrothed, and no one to be engaged with. As the one who shares the utmost concern for his image, I have graciously made preparations for a tournament to take place in the Kingdom of Light. It took some pestering, but the kingdom's high sage and anyone else who has the authority while the king and his queen are away have agreed and soon everything will be complete. Now, as for why you're here, I've had you all come with your heiring sons to learn about this tournament from me and gain a chance for them to gain Lady as their bride. My son too shall join, so I wish you all luck and I will see you all tomorrow as we ride out to the Kingdom of Light. Now then, the meeting is dismissed."

The two royal families groaned as they were escorted out of the council room. When the doors shut, Allen sniggered to his father.

"We'll play it nicely for now, but in the end, Lady will be all mine!"

"Yes, she will, Allen." Landon smirked in reply.

He had no real concern for the well-being of anyone, but his son.

As it turns out, Burnett, Proteus, and Tasha had been away for a few days, which was fine for Thomas and Lady. They had been enjoying the days together and even managed to have a few secret dates with no interruptions from anyone. However, as for the secrecy goes, Henry, James, Emily, Edward, Tara, Percy, and Rosie all know about it. Toby Holden, a royal guard, as well as Gordon Gresley, know about it as well, for they accidentally spotted Thomas and Lady kissing secretly. Both having either a bond or respect for the boy, they swore themselves to stay silent about it.

As the sun rose over the kingdom one pleasant morning, Lady gently opened her eyes as she awoke within her bed. She yawned and began to glance about spotting a rose plus a note on her desk.

I know it's not a golden one, but I still wanted to give you it for like it's scent, you're very sweet. Anyways, I would've given you a wake-up call, or even a kiss, but I am presently trying to mentally prepare myself for the big reveal of my royal status and relationship with you to your father. This is really big for me, Lady, opening my mouth on such matters. Please wish me luck, my love. -Thomas.

"Oh, Thomas!" Lady sighed with happiness. "You're always finding a way to make me smile." She tried not to swoon over the fact that Thomas literally made a note for her and even brought her a rose before focusing on anything mentally-wise. She truly loved him, and loved him for the fact that he tried to be ever so considerate of her and others. It was also for these reasons did she want to help him in any way she could that would lighten the heavy load on his shoulders. Becoming his wife and queen would achieve just that, and ensure that he wasn't alone on his endeavors to not only reclaim the Crystal kingdom, but to rebuild it.

Taking a sniff of the rose, Lady began to get ready for the day. She was swift and got fully dressed in a manner of minutes. The princess then exited through the door, walking cheerfully to the dining hall.

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