"Ok." He said with a sobby voice. I can tell he didn't want to hurt anyone by this point. 

"Come on let's get to the car before anyone outside the school sees us." I said with my arm around him in a consoling manner. I looked over at the school which was now demolished rubble and ash with few walls and beams still standing. We snuck by the police and got to my car and I drove for miles until we finally reached Westchester just like how it was originally supposed to be.


In the past timeline Mystique was the only surviving mutant who had access to transformation magic but with the order of events taken place this time that was no longer the case. One of which was a twenty something year old named Garfield who goes by Beast Boy. He was a changeling with olive green skin and pointy ears which he considered to be an attractive quality of himself. His ability was to take on the form of any animal, though he mostly preferred his favorite, tigers, that of which would maintain his own skin tone, giving him camouflage in forest areas. He usually wore black paired with purple and a jacket with a green paw print sewn on to it.

Another one of the mutants beholding transformation magic, or rather so a fairy, was named Layla. Layla goes only by her alias Flora, whereas some mutants such as myself, David, and Bobby go by our birth names as well. Beast Boy didn't mind being referred to as his birth name but much preferred his chosen name.

"Hey." Greeted Flora as she walked up. Her curly chocolatey brown hair shimmering a gold hue in the light. The aspects of her face resembled everything you expect a fairy to appear as, a curved button nose, large amber eyes, and incredibly smooth skin texture. The only thing that didn't line up with one's imagination was her height, Flora was quite tall. Along with transformation magic to grow translucent butterfly-like wings, she was also bestowed with elemental magic, that specifically of plants and earthy compounds such as dirt and mud.

The mutants we rescued from the prison cells were no longer with us and I imagined they were all still being kept there. Since i didn't end up having my memory wiped this time I remembered exactly where the facility was and informed Storm and the Professor about it. I explained to Alix of the past timeline and he agreed that we should go to rescue them. 

Beast Boy returned from outside in his hawk form shapeshifting into his humanoid self before walking inside out of breath. "You guys will never guess what I just found. I was tigering out in the woods and followed a trail I saw that was blocked off so my curiousity struck and I had to go flight mode to reach over and see what was going on and I found his whole building made of like steel and all these guards outside. I think it's some secret government Area 51 type thing." He spoke fast enough to almost be incomprehensible.

"No way they always keep those places in the deserts I've been there before. None of their weapons are ever fast enough to strike me." Smirked David.

"It's actually something sort of similar to that, it's holding cells for mutant experimentation and actually we were getting ready to go there." I explained. 

"Count me in." Said Beast Boy. 

"No it's too dangerous, the less of us go the better."

"No way Jose am I staying behind I'm coming with! I can take on a few guards, I can take on them all!"

"It's not the guards you have to worry about." 

"Well whatever it is I'm a good ally to have I'm willing to come with and help." He said tenaciously. I turned over to Alix and he shrugged his shoulders. 


We got to the facility and couldn't get through the door.

"Leave it to me!" Said Beast Boy as he transitioned into mouse form. He scurried up the door frame and gnawed on the wire connecting the security data system to the locked door. We pushed the door open and even the alarm was dismantled which kept us the element of surprise. I did the same as last time and sliced open each of the barred doors to free the mutants and led them all out through the same door. We saw two of the guards down the hall. 

"Hey!" One yelled out through their shield mask, the two of them arming their stun guns. 

"Go, I'll hold them off." Beast Boy said determined as he shifted into a bright green rhinoceros and charged at the two causing them to run back. We got to the experimentation room that I was previously held in to make sure we weren't leaving anybody behind and we saw someone lying on the operating table. The trampling of Beast Boys giant stomps must have awoken him and he opened his eyes and looked up. Staring over at us with the same strange markings and stitched mouth was Richey.

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