Chapter 11

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Leorio's p.o.v.

Leorio awoke to an empty bed. He sat up and looked around. He looked at the nightstand and found a note. Leorio read the note and sighed with relief. Kurapika was shopping for stuff. Leorio looked back at the note. He also wanted them to be his roommate. They just met. Leorio sighed and got out of bed.

They walked to the living room and sat on the couch. He looked for the remote and decided to watch TV.

As Leorio was channel surfing, Kurapika walked in. Leorio looked over and stood up. Kurapika was carrying boxes that covered his face as well as too many bags.

"Right in front of ya. Want me to take some boxes so you can see?" Leorio asked. Kurapika stopped walking.

"Yes," he said timidly. Leorio walked towards Kurapika and picked up enough boxes so Kurapika could see where he was going. Leorio watched as Kurapika placed the boxes on the kitchen counter. Kurapika then put most of the bags on the counter except for a big Hot Topic bag. Leorio didn't think much of it. Wasn't their business anyways.

Kurapika's p.o.v.

"Leorio, can you unload all the groceries in the fridge, freezer and cabinet?" Kurapika called as he walked to his room.

"Yeah," Leorio said. Kurapika sighed in relief and entered his room. He opened his Hot Topic bag and took out the Spencer's bag.

Kurapika pulled out a red 6 inch dildo and pressed his lips in a thin line.

'How will it fit? How will I keep Leorio from finding it?' Kurapika wondered. Kurapika put the dildo back in the bag, and the Spencer's bag back in the Hot Topic bag. He put the bag in his closet. Kurapika walked out.

"Leorio, you should contact your apartment manager and let them know you're moving out," Kurapika said when he got to the kitchen.

"Let me get dressed first," Leorio said. Kurapika nodded and let Leorio get dressed.

Kurapika walked to the couch and started watching a show he discovered called Death Note. He was on the fourth episode.

Leorio walked out.

"See ya."

"You too."

Kurapika waited for Leorio to leave and walk away before he walked back to his room.

Kurapika pulled out the dildo and sighed.

"How will this work?" Kurapika mumbled.

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