Chapter 4

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Leorio's p.o.v.

Leorio packed some chocolate and hygienic wipes. That's all he'd need for tonight. He also didn't plan on staying the night, so he also packed a pair of boxers in case his current ones got soiled.

He walked out to his car and got in. They buckled up and started driving to Kurapika's. They had already let Kurapika know he was coming.

Leorio pulled into the parking lot of Kurapika's apartment complex and got out. He walked in and told the desk person to let room 405 know Leorio was here.

"You can go up."

"Thank you."

Leorio took the stairs.

Once he got to Kurapika's apartment, he knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal a nervous Kurapika. The man stepped aside to let Leorio in.

"I ate some of the strawberries you left," Kurapika muttered.

"That's good. I brought chocolate just in case," Leorio chuckled. They looked over to Kurapika, who was smiling softly.

"Shall we continue?" Kurapika asked, walking to the couch. Leorio followed.

"So formal," Leorio teased.

Kurapika scowled. Leorio sat down.

"Yes, we shall."

"Good. I'd be much more comfortable if you closed your eyes," Kurapika said.

Leorio laid his head back and draped an arm over his eyes.

Kurapika started palming his crotch. Leorio sucked in a breath. He could feel himself get hard.

Kurapika removed his hand. Leorio let out an annoyed huff.

He felt Kurapika undo his belt and unzip his jeans. Leorio lifted their hips so Kurapika could pull their boxers and jeans down.

They sucked in a breath when the air his their dick.

"Holy shit," Kurapika muttered.


"You're big."

"I know."


Leorio let out a laugh.

He wasn't laughing anymore when Kurapika licked away the precum. Leorio bit back a groan. He hadn't touched himself in a while, so he was sensitive.

"Fuck," Leorio groaned when Kurapika took the tip in his mouth. Kurapika pressed his tongue in the slit for a second.

Kurapika started going down, which had Leorio gasp.

He heard Kurapika gag.

"Don't force yourself to take it all," Leorio assured.

He felt Kurapika nod, which made his hips buck involuntary.


But Kurapika's mouth was so warm. His tongue massaging the underside of his dick and his head bobbing was so fucking good.

A moan escaped Leorio's lips as Kurapika used his hand to massage what didn't fit.

Leorio could feel his stomach tighten.

Kurapika started going faster, his teeth occasionally scraping his dick. It wasn't the best feeling, but Leorio guessed the man was new to blowjobs or hadn't given one before.

Either way, Kurapika was doing better than some of the people they had received blowjobs from.

"Shit. I'm close," Leorio groaned. Kurapika only went faster.

Kurapika suddenly slowed down. It was like he was trying to drag the feeling out. Kurapika went deeper. Leorio grunted.


Leorio was so close. He wanted to look, but doing that would violate Kurapika's trust.

A wave of heat overcame Leorio as he came down Kurapika's throat.

He felt Kurapika remove himself and then heard a swallowing noise.

"Fuck, that was amazing," Leorio breathed, his chest heaving.

"You sure?" Kurapika asked. Leorio could hear the skepticism in his voice.

"Yes. I've had some pretty shitty blowjobs. That wasn't one of them," Leorio explained. He heard Kurapika chuckle.

"I'll be right back."

Before Leorio could open his mouth, he heard Kurapika walk away. Leorio removed his arm, but still kept his eyes closed.

He heard Kurapika walk back.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" Leorio asked.


"Why? Are you indecent?" Leorio teased.

"No, insecure," Kurapika said.

Leorio nodded.

"I'm going to clean you up so that it doesn't come off as a surprise," Kurapika explained.

Leorio nodded again.

He jumped at the cold rag cleaning him. He was then patted dry and Kurapika let them dress back up.

"You can open your eyes now," Kurapika said, his voice quiet.

Leorio opened his eyes and sat upright. He cracked his back and stood up. He grabbed his backpack when there was a tug at his sleeve.


"Can you stay? You're the only person in my life I trust."

"Sure. What's wrong?" They asked, turning around.

"I don't want to talk about it. I want you to hold me until I fall asleep," Kurapika muttered, looking at the floor.

"Yeah, I can do that, but you'll have to change out of your binder. I'll also need a key so I can lock the door after me," Leorio explained. He didn't want Kurapika getting robbed or killed while he slept.


Kurapika walked to his room. Leorio set his bag down and waited for Kurapika to walk out. He sat on the couch. He was tired from earlier.

"You can come here," Kurapika called. Leorio listened to where Kurapika's voice came from and followed it.

He knocked on a closed door.

"Come in."

Leorio opened the door to see Kurapika curled up on his bed, facing away from Leorio. They closed the door behind him.

"How do you want to do this?" Leorio asked, walking over.

"I was thinking you could be the big spoon," murmured Kurapika. Leorio nodded and Leorio next to Kurapika, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him close.

"It'll be at least ten minutes until you fall asleep. That's how long it takes the average person," Leorio explained.

Kurapika nodded.

"There's a spare key on the counter. Lock the door once you leave. You can keep the key," Kurapika said.

Leorio nodded, waiting for Kurapika to fall asleep.

"Goodnight," Kurapika muttered.

"Good night."

Leorio got up and quietly closed the door. He walked out and locked the apartment. He walked to his car and drove home, hoping Kurapika would be okay.

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