"This is unreal," he tells me. "I never imagined I'd be spending time in New York City."

  "It's a bit different from Avila Beach, huh?" I laugh.

  Cohen wraps his arm around me and pulls me in closer. "It's amazing."

  I am more than glad this is how it worked out for us. When I first left the beach, I wasn't sure I'd ever see him again. Six weeks later, we are reunited and get to see each other every weekend. We've decided to alternate who travels, but I have a feeling he's going to be here more often than not.

  "I sat down and talked with my grandparents last night," Cohen goes on, so I look up at him. "They basically said if I want to just work and whatever, that's fine, but they'd prefer I apply to colleges for next semester."

   My heart flutters, because I'm pretty sure I know what he's going to say next.

  "And they are offering to pay for it, and I'm living rent-free, so it would be dumb not to."

  "That's true. What do you want to go to school for?" I ask, without really thinking. I'm not exactly one to talk about that. I don't even have a major yet.

  Cohen shrugs. "I'll figure it out. Applications are due in, like, a month for next semester."

  "What school?" I want to know, because he's basically teasing me at this point.

  "There's some state colleges in Connecticut I'll apply at. But I'm thinking of applying to NYU, too. I mean, my GPA in senior year was pretty good, considering. And-"

  "You're applying at NYU?" I interrupt, because I can't believe it.

  "I mean, I don't know if it'll get in. And I'd have to have somewhere to stay during the week... I'll figure that out," he goes on, casual as ever.

  "Oh my god," I breathe out. "Cohen... I love you."

  He grins and dips his head down, his lips pressing against mine right away. I kiss him hard and reach up to grab his face for a minute, then pull away when I remember where we are.

  "I love you too," he coos. "Don't we have to meet your friends?"

  I nod, but really just wish we could sit here all day. "Yeah, it's just down the street."

  "Let's go?"

  Walking hand in hand with Cohen, my boyfriend, down a busy street in New York feels like absolute craziness, yet also the most perfect thing ever. I never would guess we'd end up here, back in June, when we met. A few months really can change everything.

  I've learned a lot since I left Seattle to spend my summer in Avila beach. I've learned that my mom really did want me to go with her all those years ago, but my dad put up a big fight. I've accepted that I have two separate families now, and they all love me a hell of a lot. And I've learned that love really can happen without you planning on it.

  Cohen and I met in an unconventional way, and had an amazing summer together, but we didn't know what would happen once the summer ended. Now we know - and it's pretty damn amazing.

  Ten minutes later we walk into the coffee shop, the same one that Kiara and I went to on our first day in New York City. It really makes me feel like things have come full circle, and I see Kiara and Gia in the corner booth we always sit in. I grab Cohen's hand and we walk towards them, my heart pounding.

  Kiara jumps up, standing as we approach the booth.

  "Hey, you must be the infamous Cohen," she says, keeping a straight face.

  "Yes ma'am. Kiara, I assume? The best friend?" he answers, grinning.

  Kiara nods and then laughs, stepping forward to hug him. And that's that. Somehow, everything worked out exactly how it was supposed to. Somehow, I get my best friend and my boyfriend at the same time, and having them meet right now is the best, ever.

  "Well, let's order!" Gia yells suddenly, and I look at her, and smile.

  "Cohen, my roommate, Gia. And Kiara," I say quickly.

  "Nice to meet you ladies. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other," Cohen answers.

  "You sure will," I tell him.

  I don't know what will happen in six months or a year from now, but I know that Cohen moved across the country to live with his grandparents, to be closer to me. I know he loves me, and I know that I am madly in love with him. Spending six weeks apart was eye-opening because now that we're together again, I can't believe we managed that.

  Cohen was partly why my summer was unexpectedly pretty damn amazing, after dreading it with all my heart. Cohen changed me in ways I couldn't have imagined. We grew together, and coming together again in New York is what all my dreams were made of.

  After a day of showing him around the city near our dorm, the four of us go back to mine and Gia's room. We listen to music and laugh and tell stories from our summers, and by 9P.M., Cohen is exhausted. Gia and Kiara hug us goodnight and leave, go spend the night in Kiara's room.

  I lock the door after they leave and then stroll back over to fall onto my bed where Cohen is waiting.

  "That was a fun day," he begins, but I know he has more to say. "But finally... we're alone."

  "Yes," I agree, then push him down and climb onto him.

  Laughing, he pulls me down to kiss him, and I don't hold back. After a few minutes and an intense make out session, I'm panting for air and Cohen's just grinning.

  "This is pretty great," he coos, so I smile and kiss him again.

  "Yeah? I could get used to it," I tease him.

  Suddenly he's tickling me and I'm squealing and fighting to get away. I slide off the bed and stand up, putting space between us while he laughs and trying to pull me back.

  "You will get used to it," he tells me, still laughing. "You said you love me."

  "I do," I agree, and then lean in to nuzzle my face into his neck. "I love you, Cohen."

  "Mmm, good." He grins again. "I love you, too. Forever."

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