Bloom 76: Sep 11th - Sep 17th

181 10 47


Hi everyone! This is Amal, former admin of the Sunflower Writing Circle. Aura and I will alternate between making the blooms, and I hope the merger has been smooth for everyone!

Kindly read all the announcements carefully.

Last week we had our trial run with merging the book club and writing circle, and if anything is still confusing, feel free to reach out and read the chapters "How it Works" and "Comments."

We still have a comment checker position open, so if interested, please PM the account.

As explained in the last bloom, we're introducing Bloom Bonuses, questions that focus on specific topics you can comment on that you can use to leave better feedback on your partner's book. It is not required to do, but keep in mind the better your comments are, the more likely you are to be selected as the next BotM (doesn't mean you need to do the Bloom Bonus to be BotM, just means the questions can help you comment better).

Bloom Bonus: POV, What type of POV did the author use? How did it affect the story?



If you're having trouble understanding some of our terminologies, you can visit the "Glossary" chapter of this book.

PM us with any questions.


🌻 Permanent Pairings 🌻

Like your partner's story or the feedback they gave you? Why not become permanent pairs? You can grow as readers and writers together and share feedback each bloom. When it's time for the bloom each week, you can be paired with this same person. To do this, ask them if they are interested. If they are, PM the SunflowerCommunity  account and let us know you're both interested.

Permanent Pairings admin: _aurawrawr_

Pairing #1

dilenu - The Refuge

NCTraveler252 - Passionate Short Stories

Pairing #2

charlottemallory - Ryder

DomiSotto - Lone Werewolf

Pairing #3

bycarolinen - Congressman & the beauty 

taicardi - Sex?

Pairing #4

tannyprecious - Torn (Love And Revenge)

Nomsaeskomercy - She came to stay


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