"Already have mine, just waiting on the bike to come in." Cal said.

"Oh, shit, well if we're serious about this we gotta expand our new horizons to a bigger town. We gotta take the initiative, there's no time to wait for a train that only leaves every so often each day! We'll roar up on our motorcycles like the badasses we are, and when the chicks come up, we'll play it cool. The pheromones dripping off us will bring them around in no time." Yosuke said.

"You realize that's not actually going to happen. I doubt there are any girls here shallow enough to fall for that act." Cal said.

"You're just saying that because you've got the hots for Yukiko and she wants nothing to do with that kind of stuff." Yosuke said.

Kanji completely ignored what Cal said.

"F-feral zone?" Kanji asked

"We're not going to a cat house, you idiot. I'm talking about PHEROMONES! My research shows that a motorcycle is the number one sure fire way to increase a man's pheromones." Yosuke said.

"Phero-mones." Kanji said sensually.

"Dude, that's how a perv would react." Yosuke said.

"What did you say!? Fine! Then I'm in too! Get ready for Kanji Tatsumi to show his manhood to these chicks!" Kanji said.

I am losing brain cells by listening to this conversation, but a bike would be nice to get around with, maybe I can bring it into the Midnight Channel and weaponize the shit out of it.

"I already told you, you can't. Anyway don't tell anyone about this, got it? If other guys try to copy us it'll dilute our pheromones." Yosuke said. "So Yu, make sure to talk to your uncle about getting a license okay? You too Y/n, although I guess he's not your uncle."

"Got it!" Kanji said.

"Not you! I don't even know your uncle! I'm serious about this, if we have motorcycles, we can go all over. It'll be fun! Man, somewhere out there, the best days of our youth are ahead of us." Yosuke said.

"Yeah I'm with you on that one!" Kanji said.

We all sighed.

After school.

I took Cal to Junes.

"What are we doing here?" Cal asked.

"We're gonna plunder and pillage the Midnight Channel for cash until we get enough for actual motorcycles, if we're going along with Yosuke's plan, I am not getting caught on a scooter. Come on, quick in and out, 20 minutes of slaughter, easy." I said.

*insert Rick and Morty Meme Later*

4 hours later.

We came tumbling out of the TV.

"Oh my god that was horrible." Cal said.

"No arguments there. We should have enough though." I said.

"We better, if not, next time we're going in with a healer, those snacks you brought with tasted like garbage. I'm going home." He said.

I headed home too.

Adachi was there having supper with Dojima.

"Ah, you're back." Dojima said.

"Hi there, you want some eel too? Fair warning, it's from the supermarket." Adachi said.

"Well excuse me." Dojima said in an annoyed tone.

"It's delicious though! I can't believe it was on sale!" Adachi said.

"Sorry, but this guy eats instant noodles every day, that constant slurping was getting on my nerves, so I brought him here." Dojima said.

"You don't have to bluff like that. You just wanted to eat dinner with a coworker right?" Adachi asked.

"Don't he stupid." Dojima said.

"But Eel was a great choice! Nanako-chan loved it, at least. I'd say she's Eel-y proud of her daddy! Eh? Ehhhh..? Haha. Did my joke slip away? It is an eel after all." Adachi said.

"Just eat your dinner." Dojima said.

"Yes sir." Adachi said. "Nanako-chan's such a good girl though, she went straight to do her homework once her plate was clean. It's not every day you get to eat eel, you'd think she'd spend some more time savouring it."

"You think that because you slack off too much. You should follow her example." Dojima said.

"Way to hit where it hurts." Adachi said.

"Anyway, there's something I want to talk to you about." I said to Dojima once he and Adachi finished talking.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"I was thinking about getting a motorcycle license." I said.

"A motorcycle? Oh you mean a scooter? Oh that's right, kids your age can ride those. I don't know though." Dojima said.

"C'mon don't be a spoilsport, it's no surprise he wants one, out here. I understand how you feel, I'm from the city myself. The trains don't run that often, and walking around everywhere is pretty inconvenient, isn't it?" Adachi asked.

"It's not that bad." I said.

"There's no need to deny it. It's normal to feel that way." Adachi said.

"You say that, but..."

"That reminds me, I remember you telling me something once, Dojima-san. About some of the reckless things you did on your motorcycle when you were young." Adachi said

"You moron! Think before you talk! And once you're done eating, hurry and-" Dojima said before his phone rang. He picked it up. "Ugh, it's me. All right, we'll be there soon. Looks like I made the right choice to skip the booze. Adachi, you were the one in charge of that file right?"

"File? Ohh, did that suspicious guy show up again?" Adachi asked.

"Would you keep your mouth shut? We're going back, get in the car." Dojima said.

"Back? You mean to the station? But I haven't had my eel liver soup yet!" Adachi said.

Dojima glared at him, then Adachi jumped up from his seat and went out the door.

"About this license, did you decide on this yourself? No one talked you into it?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I know it's hard without a way to get around, but two wheeled vehicles can be dangerous. Do you understand?" He asked.

"I want you to trust me." I said.

"It's not that I doubt you, but allowing you to get one is something else. Don't give me that face, I know you're serious about this. First you need a license, we can talk about this again when you have one. Well then, sorry to dump this on you, but I need you to look after the house." He said before leaving.

I got a phone call after that, it was from Yosuke.

"Yo it's me! How did it go with Dojima? I've been on the edge of my seat just thinking about it!" Yosuke said.

"He said I can get my license." I said.

"Seriously? Then let's get ours as soon we can! I gotta hit the books, let's make sure we both pass together!" He said.

He hung up after that.

Oh boy, what have I got myself into? I can't help but wonder about the suspicious guy Adachi mentioned, but there's no way to find out about it now. I better review that manual and study for the exam.

The path to the truth: Male Reader X NaotoWhere stories live. Discover now