Hermit's- i dont know i have a lot of chapters to title.

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Yu and I sat down with Nanako and Dojima for dinner.

"Oh I forgot to tell you. Remember that Kanji Tatsumi guy I told you about? You know, the one who went nuts on that news special? His family shop called in to report him missing, but now he's been found. I thought I'd let you know since you go to the same high school." Dojima said.

"I'm glad to hear that." I said.

"Yeah. One other thing, some people have seen you around that textile shop lately, I hear. It's not normally the kind of shop students normally visit. Just what kind of business did you have there?" He asked.

"My friend took me there." Yu said.

"A friend? Oh that Amagi girl? That's right, her family's inn buys their stuff wholesale. *sigh*, fine, just don't get yourself in over your head, okay?"
Dojima asked.

"Are you fighting again?" Nanako asked.

Dojima reassured her that they weren't.

We cleaned up after supper then went to bed. My body is killing me, I could almost sleep for a week after that fiasco.


It's been a while since I last attended a Drama club meeting. I hope Yumi's doing okay.

"I know it's a bit early, but we're at a good place to stop. Why don't we call it a day?" The club president asked.

"No! The bell hasn't rang yet! You want to quit early? You're slacking off! You need to take this more seriously!" Yumi said.

"Y-Yumi, maybe you've been working too hard."

"I feel like I'm the only one who cares about this club. Stop holding us back! The reason you never get any lead roles is because you act like that!" Yumi said.

Everyone was shocked by what Yumi said.

"Yumi!" The Club President said.

"Oh." She said. She is NOT okay.

The bell rang.

"It is time to go home. Please, don't forget anything."

"L-look, it's time to go home now anyway. Let's all just stop for today, all right?" The club president said.

The other members left with him. Yumi and I were left in the room.

"Was I wrong when I said that?" She asked.

"No." I said.

"Y-yeah, I'm just doing my best huh, I'll keep practicing, at the riverbank or somewhere. Anywhere but at home." She said.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, but thanks. There's nobody at my house, mom's been going straight to the hospital after work, to see HIM. There's no real point to going home now. When I'm by myself at home, I can't stop thinking about all that stuff. The past, why things turned out the way they did, you know. I thought I'd forgotten them. Sorry, I've just been whining. Just forget about this, okay?" She asked.

"I can't forget." I said.

"That's mean! Can't you be a little nicer to a girl?" She said sarcastically. She cheered up a little. "I have my acting. That's how I can keep going, no matter what happens, I will go on! Yeah, that's right! Thank you, Y/n-kun, if I was by myself I'd have been down in the dumps for a while, I just know it. So, I'm glad you were here. Haha, I hope you'll stick around for a while longer."

It seems like I was able to help support Yumi.

Sun Social Link: Rank 4

"I'm going to stop somewhere on my way home and practice some more there. I finally got a lead role! I have to make sure I can do it! Alright!" She said.

I left Yumi and went home.


I bumped into Ai on my way out.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I'm still pissed about basketball, I feel like you owe me." I said.

"Maybe you should mind your own business! You don't know me, you don't know my life!" She said.

I was about to retort angrily, then stopped.

"You're right, I don't. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot, you wanna hang out and talk about, you, I guess?" I asked. Wait, why am I doing this? This can only lead to trouble.

"Sure, whatever. You should skip your afternoon classes, we can hang out then, I'll come see you when I want to hang out." She said.

That was awkward.

I headed to the shrine, I fulfilled the fox's request, I think. Oh well. It seems happy that I fulfilled the request. If rumours of the shrine's benevolence spread, more people may come to make offerings.

Hermit Social Link: Rank 2


I went to visit the fox again, it appears to have a new request.

"I want to clear my mind of snacks, I want to hate them." It said. It's thin, ladylike writing. Well, I guess I'll try.

I bumped into a slim woman in the shopping district.

"Don't bother me! I'm channeling my mental energy in order to control my urges. I mustn't want snacks! They'll just make me fat, Shiroku Store is my enemy! Remember all that dieting and exercise? Do you want to have to do all that again? Must shun the snacks, ahhh! Snacks! I want to eat snacks! I wonder if there's any bad tasting snacks. Actually it doesn't have to be bad, maybe if it were just odd tasting, I would stop thinking about them? I want to distance myself from those Shiroku Snacks." She said.

Yeah, that's definitely the woman who put in the request.

I'll deal with that another time, I'll go work at the daycare centre.

I helped out there and watched the kids. Yuuta is full of energy.

"Y/n-kun, most of the children have been picked up now, so you can go home! I'll see you next time!" My supervisor said before paying me.

I went home after collecting my pay. On the way home I see Yuuta's mother sitting over at the gazebo. I went to greet her.

"Oh, you're, you're the caretaker I met the other da, right? Oh! It's already this late! I've been sitting here all this time." She said.

"Is something on your mind?" I asked.

"Oh, no it's nothing. *giggle*, you're a high school student right? You seem so mature. I was heading over there, I was going to pick up Yuuta. But then something came over me, my legs just went weak all of a sudden. Every time I think about him, have you heard? Yuuta and I aren't related by blood. He's my husband's child, I've lived with Yuuta for six months now. Only six months, already six months, we don't ever talk to each other. My husband is away, so, heh, it's jus the two of us, alone together in a dark house." She said.

"Just give it some time." I said.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell you this all out of the blue. But I'm glad you listened to me, that you spoke with me. Haha, it's sad, but these days I don't even get to have simple conversations like this." She said.

She sounds like she's having trouble adjusting to life in the countryside, I can understand that.

Thou Art I, and I am Thou
Thou hast established a new bond..

It brings thee closer to the truth.

Thou shalt be blessed when using the power of the Temperance Arcana

Temperance Social Link: Rank 1

"I'm Eri Minami. Nice to meet you, please take good care of him. Oh that's right, I still need to pick him up. It was nice seeing you." She said

I headed home for the night.

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