Facing Sammy

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It looked like I was in a small town. And no one was here. I walked across the planks to the shore when a wood plank broke behind me. Well, I'm not getting back to that boat. I looked around the little town with and without the glass but there was nothing much interesting. There was a doorway that was blocked but I can get through. Above the doorway said 'Not Monsters' normally but, through the glass, it said, 'Once People. Now Fallen Into Dispair'.

That explains why a lot of them were so sad. I walked towards the planks only for them to break on their own. A voice that I recognised all too well come from the darkness. It was Sammy! He was alive! He said something about being betrayed and Abandoned and how he trusted me and gave me everything and all I did in return was let him rot. In my defense, I thought Bendy killed him.

But he charged at me and started swinging an ax at me. All I have is a pipe! Well, better than nothing. I started to whack him with it while he tried to chop me in half. I did whack him enough to knock his Bendy mask off and he cowered back, covering his face. That seemed way too easy. I stupidly decided to approach him. He grabbed me by the shoulders.

"You lied to me! You said I'd be free! Well, I'm going to free you now! Free your head right off your shoulders!" Sammy said dropping me to the ground

"I didn't say a thing to you! You said all of that! You strapped me to a pole and did your stupid ritual which backfired! I didn't say anything about setting you free!" I said

"Sheep, sheep, sheep... it's time for... sleep," Sammy raised his ax above his head

It was now that I noticed Tom behind Sammy, ready to do the same. He drove his ax into Sammy's head and he dropped beside me, dead. Tom took the ax out of Sammy's head and looked down at me. He then tossed the ax so that the end would face him and handed me the ax. I took it from him and stood up while he took Sammy's ax. 

"That was close! You're lucky we were in the neighborhood," Allison said

The ground started to rumble.

"Was that 'him'?" I asked

"I don't think so," Allison said, "The Searchers and the Lost Ones built this place. Sammy must have been keeping them at bay. Now, that he's gone..."

I can tell this won't be fun. Searchers and Lost Ones appeared and started attacking the three of us. Well, I don't feel too sorry for the Lost Ones anymore now that I know what they're called. We fought back until every Searcher and Lost One was killed. Which took longer than I wanted it to but we got it done. When we dealt with them all, we started to move on. Allison found another way through this place and asked if I wanted to lead the way.

I mean, sure, I guess. In this new area was a hallway that only had wood for a little bridge. Yes, this seems safe. I walked along them until the wood gave out from underneath me and I fell into a pool of ink. Why am I not surprised? I got out of the ink and walked through the doorway next to me. It looked like a waiting area with a reception and all. There was another ink dispenser with different kinds of pipes instead of random objects. I think I know what I need to do.

I walked towards a door labeled 'Film Vault' and walked through the door. Is this what the message in my cell meant? The first thing I saw when I walked into the room was a wall of pipes with some missing. And on the door to my left was a little corridor that was filled with ink. I couldn't get the door open anyway. There was a room to my right so I went in to see a little office with a recording from Thomas;

'Progress report to Gent Home Office. Client: Joey Drew Studios. Although we're making progress, the client's expectations keep changing. What started as a machine to simply mold life-size figures, now seems to be teetering on the edge of magic more than engineering. Although Mr. Drew remains convinced they're the same thing. The process of running the cartoon film through the machine for the figures to imprint upon themselves is going well. We've had several near successes. One weird note: the first figure ever created was a failed attempt in the likeness of the character called "Bendy". Since that time, no other attempts of this particular figure have emerged. And the one that did... I don't know, there's just something unworldly about him.'

So the ink machine isn't for the drawings. It was to make these characters come to life. No wonder there was an order for so much ink when I first arrived. But I guess that would explain why everyone turned into characters or ink creatures. It was the machine. I walked out of the room and back to the main room. I'd like to point out that a radio was playing when I arrived and now it suddenly turned off. I opened the door to the reception area and started to look around.

There was a switch near the door which I pulled and the door to administration opened. I walked through there only to see one of the Butcher Gang walk past. Not these guys again. Better stay out of sight. I'm going to guess that I'm going to find the ink blobs I need in here so I need to make sure I don't get caught by these guys. The first door I would open had a recording from Joey again. I played it;

'A small memo to all administration offices: Rumors have begun to fly that we simply can't tolerate any longer. The idea that the company is in some form of financial difficulty is untrue and a slanderous lie against us. It's also been known to me that some backroom incompetents are not trusting in my leadership. As a leader, I'm always steering the boat, guiding our destiny. Looking at the big picture. No need for you people to worry about such complicated things. Just do whatever it is you do and trust your leader... which is me.'

At this point, I don't trust him at all. 

Selena in Bendy and the Ink MachineWhere stories live. Discover now