Turning on the Machine

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Ignoring the awful sight, I took the wrench from his chest and looked around the room. On the wall on my right was a wall full of papers with the words 'who's laughing now?' painted over it with ink. Next to that was a poster of Boris. I don't remember the episode that the poster was advertising but I might have a watch when I get home.

Across the room was a door leading to another room. I went in to see what seemed to be a lonely art room with one desk and a hallway leading to another door. I went through to see it was one of the halls I started in. I went down the other hall where there were some pipes on the wall. But I saw two doors and a tape recorder on a lonely table.

I opened one of the doors to reveal an almost empty shelf. There were cans of bacon soup on the shelf. I left them alone. I pressed the play button on the recorder. I recognised the voice to be an employee named Wally Franks. We didn't get along that well when I was still here. But here's what he had to say;

'At this point, I don't get what Joey's plan is for this company. The animations sure aren't being finished on time anymore, and I certainly don't see why we need this... machine. It's noisy, it's messy, and who needs that much ink anyway? Also, get this: Joey had each one of us "donate" something from our work stations. We put them on these little pedestals in the break room. "To help appease the gods", Joey says. "Keep things going". I think he's lost his mind, but, hey, he writes the checks. But I tell you what, if one more of these pipes burst, I'm outta here.'

What on Earth was Joey's plan after I left? I don't believe in the whole god thing after everything I've seen in my life but I don't tell people not to believe it. Believe what you want, honestly. But even this is overkill for the Joey I knew. But now this explains the pedestals I saw earlier. So I need to collect everything that was in the photos. Time for a scavenger hunt. I went down the hall behind me to follow the pipes.

I even tried opening the doors in the hall but only one opened to reveal projectors and film reels. I just moved on to see a room where the cartoons would be played before they were broadcast. But there was a Bendy plush on one of the chairs so I took it for the pedestal. Behind the projector was a valve that said 'Ink Pressure'. Something tells me I'll need that later. I left the room to keep looking for the rest.

I went out into the hallway that leads to the Ink Machine to see a door cracked open. I went in to see a whole downstairs break room full of Bendy posters and things. I walked down the stairs and looked around for anything I needed. I saw an extra hallway so I went to see what was down there only to see a boarded-up room. Ignoring it, I kept looking around the Break room. On one of the tables, I found a book titled 'The Illusion Of Living'.

I didn't have a quick read, I just took it as I needed it. I walked back upstairs and headed to the main room. But the room where the light and music came from suddenly stopped when I walked near it. The light and music just shut off. I opened the door to see no one in there. Just a desk, a radio, papers everywhere, and a record. Is that the music thing I need? Either way, I took it.

But, everything was becoming hard to carry so I took off my cape and used it like Santa's sack of presents to carry everything. Except I wouldn't have it over my shoulder. I walked to the main room and went to the hallway opposite me where my desk and other art room were. I walked into the art room and looked around for things.

Well, I found the Ink Well in here but that was expected. I just carried it normally not wanting it to spill. I went back to the other hallway to look around again as I still hadn't gotten everything. I remember a cog in the chest that I found in the Ink Machine room. This should be my last room. I took it and put it in my makeshift sack. I returned to the pedestal room to put everything where it needed to be.

But, on my way back, the Bendy cut-out had disappeared. What in the world is going on? Ignoring it again but keeping my guard up, I went into the room and placed everything on the pedestals. Once I put them all in their places, I put my cape back on. Now I just need to get the ink flowing somehow. There was a switch somewhere nearby. Then I can start up the main power. I left the room and went back to the preview room. At least I think that's what it's called.

Walking down the hall, a Bendy cut-out suddenly peeked behind the wall and disappeared. I jumped at the sight before rushing over to the room. No one was in there but the Bendy was leaning against the wall. Things are getting weird. I walked into the room where the Projector turned on to reveal a dancing Bendy, happily whistling a tune. There was still no one at the projector. I don't believe in the paranormal but I'm starting to.

I turned the valve which made the ink flow but, just as Wally said, the pipes burst, completely covering the floor. I begrudgingly walked the flood of ink and past the burst pipe that was just spraying out ink that did land on my clothes. I'll use a spell later to get rid of the stane. I went back to the pedestal room and flipped the switch to turn on the machine. But all the lights slightly shut off.

It was enough for me to still see so I left the room back to the Machine. But, when I arrived, the room was boarded up. I swear it wasn't. There was a gap big enough to climb through so I walked over to it only to be jumped by a black and white creature! I didn't get to see what it looked like as I was knocked to the ground. Either way, I was not sticking around to find out what it was.

I got up and started running for the door as some of the shutters closed as I ran past. Ink was coming out from the walls and cracks and some got on me but I couldn't care less at that point. I ran towards the door when suddenly the floor came out from underneath me, making me fall. I landed in a pool of ink that reached up to my chest.

I saw a valve in front of me so I turned it, making the ink drain. Now I'm black, green, and purple. I can fix it later. I need to get out of here. Although, I didn't like the feeling of my now inky cape so I just dumped it and pressed on without it. Now that the room was drained, I saw another voice recorder. The one who recorded it was someone called Thomas Connor. I listened to what he had to say;

'It's dark and it's cold and it's stuck in behind every single wall now. In some places, I swear this godforsaken ink is clear up to my knees! Whoever thought that these crummy pipes could hold up under this kind of strain either knows something about the pressure I don't, or he's some kind of idiot. But the real worst part about all this are them noises the system makes. Like a dying dog on its last legs. Make no mistake, this place... this... machine... heck, this whole darn thing... it just isn't natural. You can bet, I won't be doing any more repair jobs for Mister Joey Drew.'

I'm getting very concerned about Joey now. I looked around to see a staircase going down. Well, I see no way back up so I have to go down. But down led to more ink still at chest height. I saw another valve to drain it so I used it again. And there were even more stairs leading to the exact same sight. I went through the ink and used what looked like the final valve to drain the rest of the ink.

Seeing another door, I went through to see a room with a boarded-up door, an ax, and the wall saying 'The Creator lied to us'. That's not a good sign. I took the ax and used it on the wooden boards to get to the next room. I walked down the hall until I saw some wooden boards blocking a door. I chopped those and walked in to see coffins and a pentagram. I walked into it and suddenly started having visions of the Ink Machine, a Wheelchair, and the silhouette of a demon before dropping the ax and passing out. 

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